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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 6, 1927

It was moved by Eikenberry,seconded by McVey and the motion was
duly passed that President Bryan be authorized to secure a Dean
of Men at a salary not to exceed the maximum salary paid a full

It was moved by McCune, seconded by Crow, and the motion was
duly passed that the Honorary degree of Doctor of Science be
conferred on C.E.Skinner of Pittsburgh, Pa.

It was moved by Wood, seconded by Biddle and the motion was
duly passed that the Honorary degree of Doctor of Law be conferred
on President Daniel Willard of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad,
Baltimore, Maryland.

It was moved by McVey, seconded by Johnson and the motion
unanimously carried that the Board adopt the recommendation of
President Bryan, authorizing the president and Finance Committee
to make such increases in salaries to members of the present staff
as shall be approved by the Dean of Instruction, after providing
necessary additions to the faculty and a safe margin has been set
aside for unexpected developments and emergancies.

The Board was adjourned by President Bryan.


E B Bryan


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