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HEATING Plant. r HEATING Plant. 1 Ohio University Record, Meeting ^l-i&iam DIPLOMA,FOUR-YEAR COMMERCIAL COURSE. Bingham,George Alvin Athens,0hio. DIPLOMA,PIANOFORTE AND HARMONY. Brown,Olive Revere ,Mo. Deweese,Eliza .Washington,Ohio. Mason,Ina Beulah Sugar Grove ,Ohio. Stoneburner ,Sara Wilson Nelsonvilie ,Ohio. DIPLOMA,VOICE AND HARMONY. Meyers ,Effie Pearl .Amanda,Ohio. DIPLOMA,PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC. Brown,Olive Revere,Mo. Hunter ,Marie Douglas .Athens ,Ohio. McVey,John Tipton Eastbank,W.Va. Meyers ,Effie Pearl Amanda,Ohio. DIPLOMA,COURSE IN ELEMENTARY Duga ,Nettie Sara Glaser,Mary Katherine Halstead,Ruby Clara Harmon,Elizabeth Hudson,Myrtle ... McGee,Allie Fidelia Richmond,Winifred Vanderbilt Teaters ,Elizabeth Mayes «•*••••••• ##»#*»♦♦♦#• EDUCATION. ...Bellaire,Ohio. ...Warren,Ohio. ...Warren,Ohio. ...Marietta,Ohio. ...Ashville,Ohio. .. .Middletown,Ohio. ...Marshfield,Ohio. ...Columbus,Ohio. DIPLOMA,COURSE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Alspach,James Harvey Blaeklick,Ohio. Britch ,Kirby Ellsworth .Lancaster ,Ohio. Fryburger,Frank C. , Cozaddale ,Ohio. Johnston,William Cloyd Bremen,Ohio. Watanbe ,Noble East Pittsburg ,Pa. " Said resolution was unanimously adopted. J.M.Welch,as a member of the Committee on heating plant,submitted a verbal report,following a discussion of which the Board cecessed until one o'clock P.M.,upon motion duly made,seconded and adopted. -oooooo0000O00ooooooox x x OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO UNIVERSITY. EWING HALL,JUNE 19,1907,1:00 O'CLOCK P.M. The Board met pursuant to recess. Roll call showed the following members present ,to-wit .'V.C.Lowry ,R.E.Rambling. C.Davidson,A. Leue, J .-E Benson,E. J. Jones ,J.M.Welch,J.P.Wood,F»C.Whiley, Albert Douglas,H.W.Coultrap,Thomas Blackstone,T.R.Biddle,Henry O'Bleness,J.E. Kinnison,J.T.Duff,W.F.Boyd and Alston Ellis. Mr.Douglas submitted the following resolution,which was seconded by Mr. Benson: "Resolved,that the matter of securing a site for the central heating plant be continued in the hands of the Committee of three having the matter in charge with these additional instructions.* FIRST: That everything possible be done to hasten the settlement of the mi KigSXri $¥£?>
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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 19,1907, :«»?• M B question. SECOND: That unless the unconditional approval of the Attorney General can be obtained within twenty days from this date for the Rardin site that the consideration of this site be abandoned and some other site considered. THIRD: That the Rardin site be not purchased unless there can be secured with it and as a part of it (at a price not exceeding $2600.00) a right of way from it to the neighboring street." Roll call upon said resolution showed the following vote: Ayes,Lowry, Hamblin,Davidson,Benson,Jones,Welch,Wood,Whiley,Douglas ,Coultrap,Blackstone, Biddle,O'Bleness,Kinnison,Duff,Boyd,Ellis,being seventeen ayes; nay,none. Whereupon,the President declared said resolution adopted. Dr.Ellis,as Chairman of the Committee on Teachers and Salaries,submitted the report of the majority of said Committee as follows ,to~wit: OHIO UNIVERSITY EMPLOYES AND PAY ROLL (Ohio University and the State Normal College) Athens,0hio,June 19,1907• Alston Ellis,Ph.D.,LL.D., President. Edwin Watts Chubb ,Litt.D., Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. Henry G.Williams,A.M., Professor of School Administration and Dean of The State Normal College. David J.Evans,A.M., Professor of Latin. Frederick Treudley,A.B. , Professor of Philosophy,Ethics and Sociology. William Hoover,Ph.D. ,LL.D., Professor of Mathematics and Astroonomy. Annual salary. $5000.00 2500.00 2500.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 Albert A.Atkinson,M.S. , 1800.00 Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering. Henry W.Elson,Ph.D., • 1800.00 Professor of History and Political Economy. Oscar Ghrisman,A.M. ,Ph.D., •« 1800.00 Professor of Paidology and Psychology. William Fairfield Mercer,Ph.D. , Professor of Biology and Geology William B.Bentl«y,Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry. Lewis J.Addicott,B.S., Professor of Civil Engineering. # © $ # P.A.Claassen,Ph.D. ,♦.. Professor of Modern Languages 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 800.00 Instructor in French. Frank P.Bachman,A.B. ,Ph.D. , 1800.00 Professor of History and Principles of Education. Eli Dunkle,A.M., 1800.00 Professor of Greek and Registrar of the University. PAY-Roll.
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Ohio} University Record, Meeting jnne. 19*1907Fletcher S.Coultrap,A.M. , $1800.00 Principal of the State Preparatory School. Hiram Roy WIlson,A.M.,. ... ., 1800.00 Professor of English. Edson M.Mills,A.M. ,Ph.M. , 1800.00 Professor of Mathematics. Charles M.Copeland,B.Ped., Principal Commercial College. James Pryor McVey, Director of the College of Music. ti ame s u. o one s , v. o. ............ ......... Director of Athletics. • # ♦ • • • • # » 9 1800 • 00 . . . . 900.00 Emma S.Waite, 1500.00 Principal of Training School. Mary Ellen Moore ,A.B., 800.00 Instructor in Latin and English. C.L.Martzolff , 900.00 Instructor in History. Margaret Edith Jones, Instructor on the Piano and in Voice Culture and harmony. Nellie H.Van Vorhes, Instructor on the Piano and Virgil Clavier. Clara Bancroft, Instructor on the Piano and in Voice Culture. Minnie L.Cuckler, Instructor on the Piano and Organ. John N.Hizey, Instructor on the Violin. 900.00 800.00 700.00 700.00 800.00 Marie Louise Stahl, 900.00 Instructor in Drawing and Painting. Mabel B.Sweet, 800.00 Instructor in Public-School Music. William F.Copeland,Ph. D., Elementary Science - "Nature Study". 1200.00 , 1000.00 Principal Kindergarden School. 900.00 Instructor in Drawing and Hand Work. Louise King Walls ,B. 0. , 300.00 Instructor in Elocution and Physical Culture. Mabel K.Brown,Ph.B. , 800.00 Instructor in Stenography. Minnie Foster Dean, 650.00 Instructor in Typewriting. Eugene F.Thompson, 600.00 President's Secretary. Aldis A.Johnson, 550.00 Assistant in Biology. George E.McLaughlin, 1140 ♦ 00 Assistant in Physics and Electricity. George C.Parks Instructor in Penmanship and Mechanical Drawing. Rhys D.Evans,. Assistant in Physics. Frank B.Gullum,B.S., Assistant in Chemistry. 275.00 275.00 550.00 : _^-P^
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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 19,1907. 1 £** :558 Charles G.Matthews,Ph.M., Librarian. Lenora Belle Bishop,Ph.B., Assistant Librarian. $ 800.00 600.00 Llllie A.Faris, Critic Teacher First-year Grade. 800.00 Amy M.Weihr,Ph.M. ,B.Ped., 700.00 Critic Teacher Second-year Grade. Olive A.Wilson, 650.00 Critic Teacher Third-year Grade. Margaret A.Davis, 600.00 Critic Teacher Fifth-year and Sixth. Winifred L.Williams, 600.00 Critic Teacher Fourth-year Grade. Edgar Ervin,.... Field Agent. Charles H.Bryson, Alumni Secretary (Four Months). 1200.00 500.00 gOARD OFFICERS. Alston Ellis,. President. Israel M.Foster, Secretary.and Auditor. H.H.Hanlng,... Treasurer. 800.00 800.00 JANITORS. William A.Miller, 720.00 Supervisor. Charles R.Bean, 552.00 Assistant. John L.Roach,. Assistant. 552.00 George W.Mansfield, 552.00 Engineer. SUMMARY. Ohio University and State Normal College, $65,790.00 Board Officers,«••• 1,600.00 Janitors, Remarks: .... .- 2,376,00 Total $69,766.00 The most important changes made in the foregoing report are as follows." 1. Dr.Chubb retains his professorship and is made Dean of the College of Liberal Arts,taking the place made vacant by the resignation of Dr.Super.Sal ary ,$2 ,500 . 00 . 2. Prof.Dunkle is made Professor of Greek and Registrar of the University. No change in salary. 3. Fletcher S.Coultrap,A.M.,is made Principal of the State Preparatory School,at an annual salary of $1,800.00. 4. P.A.Claassen,Ph.D.,is made Professor of Modern Languages,at a salary of $1,800.00,taking the position heretofore held by Dr.Tausch. 5. William F.Copeland,Ph.D.,is made Professor of Elementary Science in the
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Ohio University Record, Meeting i^jm^^^^o^ TREASURER. \ State Normal College,new position,at an initial salary of $1,200.00 per annum. 6. Miss Winifred L.Williams is put in charge of the new grade added to the Training School of the State Normal College at a salary of $600.00 per annum. 7. Charles H.Bryson is continued as Alumni Secretary for a term of four months at a salary of $125.00 per month-service to be rendered at such time as the President of the University may direct. S. Miss Gaskill's resignation as Instructor in Drawing and Hand Work in the Normal College has been presented.An Instructor in French-or better,in Modern Languages-is needed.A Principal of a Kindergarden School to be established in connection with the Training School of the State Normal College is to be selected.The salaries of these positions,in the order named,are $900,$1,000, and $800 respectively.The President of the University should make selection of suitable persons to fill these positions and report his action at the next meeting of the Board. 9. The salary changes are clearly noted in the report.The total annual pay-roll of all University Employees as shown in this report foots up a sum of $69,766.00,an increase of $4,610.00 or over J"per cent. 10.If the condition of University finances will permit there ought to be an increase of salaries in June 1908 and June 1909,as follows: 1.Professors of full rank,$1,900 and $2,000,the latter sum being a permanent salary for all Faculty members heading Departments. 2. The salaries of Assistants ,Instructors,and all other employes,save the President of the University,to be increased,approximately in the same ratio. All of which is most respectfully submitted. ALSTON ELLIS. C.C.DAVIDSON." Mr.Douglas offered the following motion,which was duly seconded by Biddle, to-wit: "That the Board approve and adopt the report of its Committee on Teachers and salaries,omiting,temporarily,the substitution of Dr.Claassen for Dr.Tausch therein." Roll call upon said motion resulted as follows: Ayes: Benson,Biddle^lackstone ,Boyd,Coultrap ,Davidson,Douglas ,Duf f ,Ellis ,Hamblin,Leue ,Lowry ,0'Bleness, Nays.* Jones,Welch,Wood. Not voting,Kinnison,Whiley. Whereupon,the President declared said motion carried. Mr.O'Bleness introduced a motion,seconded by Douglas ,that Mr.H.H.Haning be re-elected Treasurer of the University for one year at a salary of $800.00, that he give as said Treasurer a bond in the sum of $20,000 with a bonding company as surety to the approval of the Finance Committee. Roll call upon said motion resulted in the following vote.* Ayes: Lowry, H?§«P m Hi