Ohio University Board of Trustees minutes, v. 07 (1899-1906)



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11 moved that his resignation be accepted, which motion was duly Seconded and adopted. President Super read in to the Board his annual report which is hereinafter copied. [inserted] Expenditure of 125$ by Pres [end inserted] On motion duly Seconded and adopted the President, under the direction fo the Finance Committee was authorized to expend the sum of $125.00 as recommended in the annual report of the President. [inserted] Appointment of Ways + Means Com [end inserted] Mr Whiley moved that the subject of expenitures for the ensuing year be referred to a Committee of Ways and Means of five memeber to be appointed by the Chair, of which Committee the President [crossed out] the president [end crossed out] shall be a member, which motion was duly Seconded and adopted, and thereupon the Chair appointed as that Committee Messrs. Whiley, Wood, Moore and Jones, the President being a member thereof by the terms of said resolution. [inserted] Election of Teachers and Employees by ballot. [end inserted] Mr Moore moved that hereafter we elect all officers teachers and employees of this University by ballot, which motion was duly Seconded and adopted. [inserted] Treasurers Annual Report. [end inserted] On motion of Mr Jewett, the Treasurers annual report was referred to a Committee of three, to be appointed by the Chair, for consideration, examination and report, which motion was duly Seconded and adopted, and thereupon the Chair appointed as that Committee Messrs Davidson, Hamblin and Foster. [inserted] Auditors Annual Report [end inserted] On motion duly Seconded and adopted the Auditors annual report was referred to the same committee for examination and report. [inserted] Ladies Hall Report [end inserted] On motion duly Seconded and adopted, the report of the Ladies Hall was referred to the Ways and Means Committee for examination and report. On motion of Mr. Lowrey duly Seconded and adopted, Messrs.

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12 [inserted] Excused for non attendance [end inserted] Boyce and Fenton were excused for non attendance at this meeting of the Board. [inserted] As to Commencement Expenses [end inserted] On motion duly Seconded and adopted, the President was authorized to expend whatever sum is necessary for Commencement expenses not exceeding $150.00. [inserted] As to establishment of Normal School [end inserted] Mr Jones here stated to the Board his views as to the necessity of obtaining legislative action in regard to the establishment of a normal school in the Ohio University. [inserted] Legislative Committee [end inserted] Mr Moore moved that the members of the Board of Trustees constitute a legislative committee, and that its Chairman be William E Bundy, which motion was duly seconded and adopted. [inserted] As to expenses of Legislative Committee [end inserted] Mr Welch moved that W.E. Bundy, as Chairman of the Legislative Committee. be authorized to expend a sum not exceeding $1.000.00 for the purpose of defraying the necessary expenses of said Committee, and that the Auditor be authorized to draw an order upon the Treasurer for the amount of said expenditures upon the written approval of W. E bundy Chairman of said committee, which motion was duly [inserted] As to Securing services of a Military teacher [end inserted] seconded and adopted. = Mr Wood moved that a committee of five be appointed by the Chair to take such steps as may be necessary to secure an army officer to teach military tactics in the Ohio University with power to act, which motion was duly seconded and adopted, and thereupon the Chair appointed as that Committee J.P. Wood JM Welch. W.E. Bundy J B Foraker and C H Grosvenor. [inserted] Appointment of Finance Committee [end inserted] Mr Jewett moved that a Finance Committee consisting of J.P. Wood. D. H. Moore and [inserted] the [end inserted] President, be appointed for the ensuing fiscal year, with the same powers and authority heretofore conferred, which motion was duly Seconded and unanimously adopted. On motion duly seconded

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[inserted] Payment of bill of bell ringer [end inserted] and adopted the bill of Rochester Irwin, bell ringer was allowed for the sum of $47.60, and the Auditor was authorized and directed to draw an order upon the Treasurer for that amount. [inserted] Appointment of Committee on Ladies Hall [end inserted] On motion of D. H. Moore Messrs Jewett. Foster and President Super were appointed a Committee of three on Ladies Hall, which motion was duly Seconded and adopted. [inserted] Acceptance of Prof. Sylvesters resignation and Prof. Clyde Brown [end inserted] Mr Jewett moved that the resignation of Prof. J. P. Sylvester be accepted, which motion was duly Seconded and adopted. Mr Jewett moved that the resignation of Prof. Clyde Brown of the Chair of Philosophy and Pedagogy, be accepted, which motion was duly Seconded and adopted. [inserted] Conferring of degrees [end inserted] Mr Bundy moved that the degrees conferred by the Faculty, and [?mentioned?] in the annual report of [crossed out] the annual report of [end crossed out] the President be conferred as therein recommended, which motion was duly Seconded and unanimously adopted. [inserted] Committee on College Campus [end inserted] Mr. Wood moved that Messrs. Welch, Jewett, Jones and Biddle be appointed a Committee on College Campus and buildings for the ensuing year with power to act, and that the Janitors by subject to the orders of the Committee for that purpose, which motion was duly Seconded and adopted. On motion duly Seconded and adopted the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at nine Oclock. Attest L.M. Jewett Secretary. O. U.

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Office of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio University Athens Ohio June 19. 1900. 9. AM The Board of Trustees of the Ohio Universit met pursuant to adjournment. A call of the roll showed the same members present as upon yesterday, and in addition C. C. Davidson. On motion duly Seconded and adopted B. E. Hamblin was excused for non attendance. [inserted] Election of Sergeant at Arms [end inserted] Mr Bundy moved that J. E. Benson be permanently elected as Sergeant at arms of this Board, which motion was duly Seconded and unanimously adopted. Major Welch offered the following resolution to wit: [inserted] Resolution as to dismissal of student [end inserted] "Resolved, that no student sha be dismissed or suspended by the Faculty without reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard on any complaint or charge made against him, provided always that the President may, whenever in his judgment there is good cause therefor, suspend any student temporarily pending such hearing". On motion duly Seconded the same was referred to a Committee of three to be appointed by the Chair for Consideration to be reported to this Board this afternoon [crossed out] at afternoon [end crossed out] at 1:30 Oclock. And thereupon the Chair appointed as such Committee Messrs Coultrap Davidson and Lowrey. [inserted] Report of Committee on resolutions as to death of E. H. Moore [end inserted] The Committee appointed to draft resolutions on the death of Hon [?Eliakin?] H. Moore report as follows: "Whereas the Board of the Ohio University, has learned with deep regret, of the death of the Honorable E. H. Moore, of Athens, Ohio and Whereas, said Board, during half a century has been honored by his services as an able and efficient member who has ever been ready to diligently and faithfully employ his time and energies for the betterment of the University, and Whereas, his death is deeply deplored

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15 by his fellow members, who appreciate not only his worth in guarding the interest of the institution; but who also admire the gradeur fo his life private and public, the records of which will be a lasting heritage to all lovers of good citizenship, and noble manhood; therefore be it Resolved, that we hereby express our keen regret at this irreparable loss sustained by the University and community alike, and be it further: Resolved, that copies of these resolutions be furnished to the relatives of the deceased, as well as [?spread?] upon the minutes fo the Board of Trustees of the Ohio University" J. P. Wood EJ Jones Committee J. M Foster Athens O June 19 1900. and Mr wood movd this adoption of said resolutions, which motion was duly Seconded, and said resolutions were unanimously adopted by a rising vote of the Board. Thereupon the Committee appointed to draft resolutions in the death of Hon Charles Townsend made the following to wit: [inserted] Report of Committee on resolutions as to death of Charles Townsend [end inserted] "Whereas Hon Charles Townsend an honored member of this Board has deceased since our last annual meeting of this Board, and whereas [?Major?] Townsend was a distinguished statesman, a ripe scholar, a gallant soldier of the War of the rebellion and served Ohio as its Secretary of State, and as a member of both branches. of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, and whereas the Board is [?desirous?] of fully recognizing his ability and fidelity to public trusts reposed in [illegible]: Therefore be is resolved that we mourn his untimely death and sincerely regret the sad occurrence that deprives this Board of the Services of one[crossed out] of one [end crossed out] of its most useful and honored members, and further be it Resolved that the Secretary of this Board is directed to furnish the [?press?] and the family of the deceased with a copy of these resolutions and that the same

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