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trustees of the Ohio University will support and
maintain out of the funds of said University three
model schools in conneciton with the normal
department of said University, which schools are to
be in member of pupils of the average size of the
public schools of said Village, and the pupils for which
schools shall come from a district to be prescribed
by the Board of Education of said Village ; that said
Library shall be open at all reasonable hours
to the teachers and pupils of the public schools of
said Village ; that a fair percent of said One
thousand Dollars ($1.000.00) shall be used in
purchasing books suitable for the general public of
said Village which per cent shall be determined
by the committee or special board in charge of
said library ,[crossed out] (and that of said committee or
special board two members shall be chosen
by the Board of education of said Village_") [end crossed out]
After said resolution
was read, Mr Douglas moved that the same be
referred to a committee consisting of Ellis, Jones
and Wood with full pwer and authority to act in
the premises, which motion was duly seconded and
adopted by the Board _ .
[inserted] As to
looking after
Engine and
Vacation [end inserted] Mr Jewett moved that Mr GEMc Laughlin be
employed for the rest of this month ,and the month
of August 1904 to look after the , engines, boilers, pipes
, plumbing , and all apparatus Connected with the
heating plant of the Ohio University , and that
he inspect the same frequently ,and see that every
thing is in good order , and first class condition at a
salary at the rate of $75 00 per month, which motion
was duly seconded and adopted by the Board -
[inserted] Night Watchman [end inserted] Maj. Welch moved that we employ a Watchman
for the College buildings ,at a salary of not to exceed
$450 00 per year to be selected by the Committee on
teachers and salaries with full power and
authority to act, which motion was duly seconded

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