Page 245
Mr Jewett moved that the degrees recommended
in said report be conferred by the Board, which
motions was duly seconded and unanimously
adopted by the Board.
[inserted] Appropriation
School 1905 [end inserted] On motion of Mr Fenton duly seconded and
adopted the sum of ($1800.00) Eighteen hundred
dollars was appropriated for the Summer School
of 1905 , to be expended under the direction of the
Precident of the University , with full pwer and
and authority to act in the premises _
[inserted] Dedication
1905 [end inserted] Mr. Douglas moved that a Committee of three,
of which the President shall be the Chairman,
and he to select the two other members of said
Committee, be appointed for the purpose of making
arrangements for the exercises of the dedication of
the LIbrary and Normal College Buildings
at the Commencement of the Ohio University in
June 1905 , and that the sum of $200. 00 be appropriated
out of the treasury for the purpose of enabling said
Committee to defray necessary expences connected
therewith, which motion was duly seconded and
unanimously adopted by the Board
[inserted] Appropriation
for Society
Halls [end inserted] Mr Biddle moved that in accordance with suggestions
and recommendations of the President, that he
appropriate out of the treasury for the purpose of repairing
the Society Hall of the Athenian and [?Philo mathean?]
Literary Societies the sum of $200. 00 to each Society
which motion was duly seconded and unanimously
adopted by the Board _
[inserted] Resolution
as to Library
Building. [end inserted] By direction of the Chairman the Secretary read
to the Board the following resolution to wit:
" Be it resolved by the
Board of Trustees of the Ohio University , that
so long as the Board of the Education of the Village of
Athens Ohi, shall pay one thousand dollars,
($1.000. 00) per year, towards the support and maintenance
of the Carnegie Library, established for the joint use
of the Ohio University and said Village, that the
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