Board of Trustees minutes, Ohio University, v. 04, 1845-1861



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11 Wednesday August 21, 1847

the remaining indebtedness of the University may be rendered as little burdensome as practicable and in order to provide a small surplus fund applicable to the improvement of the Library, Apparatus do. would recommend that the sum of $5,000.00 be funded on the best tenus which can be ob= tained, under the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly passed February 8, 1847 for a term, not less than three years."

The committee on Mr. Williams communication made a Report in writing, which was adopted, as follows; "The committee on the Communication of the Principal of the Academy, recommend the adoption of the following Resolutions

1st That the Rooms in the College Buildings shall not be used as Dormitories by the students on any condition whatsoever until otherwise ordered by the Board.

2nd That the appropriations made by the Board at the last meeting be continued, to be expended by the acting com= mittee in the improvements then specified and others that may be necessary.

3rd That $37.16 by appropriated to pay the deficiency of the contingent fund, to be paid to Mr. Williams; and a sum not exceeding $50.00 to supply the Chemical and Phi= losophical Department during the following year."

Our motion, Resolved that when the Board adjourn it be to meet at 6 P.M. Tuesday Evening November 16, 1847 Our motion, Messn, Hoge, Cox, and Horton were appointed a Committee to Correspond and make ar= rangements for reorganizing a Faculty.

A Recess was then taken until 7 P.M. Evening Session Present as in the afternoon, with Hon. E. Hatch, The Resignation of Hon. Wm. Medill as a member of this Board, was received and accepted.

Our motion, Resolved that the Board have heard with sorrow of the death of Rev. James Culbertson one of its oldest & most efficient members. Our motion, Resolved that Hon. S.J. Vinton and John Welch Esq. be requested to take scats as mem= bers pro term of the Board at its next meetings Our motion Adjourned Attest. A.Brown clk.

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12 Ohio University Tuesday Evening, November 16, 1847

Agreeably to Resolution and notice an ad= journed meeting of the Board was held this Evening. Present the following members, to wit; Hon. E. Hatch, Rev. Dr. Hoge, Hon. E. Cutler, A. Miller Esq. Hon. J.G. Keith, Wm. B. Hubbard Esq. Rev. Wm. Aikin V.B. Horton Esq. and A. Brown Secy. Our motion, Rev. Dr. Hoge was chosen President p.t. Our motion, it was Resolved that Hon. S.J. Vinton and John Welch Esq. be appointed members of this Board, pro term in place of Rev. James Culbert= son deceased and Hon. Wm. Medill resigned and that they be requested to take their seats at the present meeting with which request they com= plied accordingly.

Our motion, Resolved, that the Board consider it inexpedient to apply the principal of the funds deposited in the State Treasury to the payment of the debt to the State Sinking fund or in any manner to diminish the permanent fund of the University.

Our motion, Messn, Brown, Hubbard, and Horton were appointed a Committee to report on the financial condition of the University.

Our motion, Resolved that a separate lease be granted to Hall Foster for the West part of In Lot No. 171 according to a division thereof agreed upon between himself and Mr. Lucy Norton on his payment of the expense of such Lease and securing an equitable proposition of the Rent of said Lot.

Our motion, the Board then adjourned till tomor= row morning 9 o'clock Wednesday morning Nov. 17 1847 The Board met pursuant to adjournment, present as last Evening. The Committee appointed to examine the State of the Finances, made a Report, which was accepted, and a synopsis of the same directed to be entered upon the minutes.

The committee on Reorganization made a Report which was accepted, and after amendment it recommendations were adopted as follows

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13 Wednesday Nov. 17, 1847

Resolved that it is expedient to proceed to reorganize the Faculty of the University at the present meeting with a view to the resumption of Collegiate operations next Autumn, as con= templated by the Resolutions of April, 1844.

Resolved that there shall be chosen a President, Professor of Languages, Associate Professor of Languages, Professor of Mathematics, and a Professor and an Assistant Professor of Natural Science.

Resolved that till otherwise ordered the Salary of the President shall be $800 per annum from the permanent income and $2 per term from the tuition of each student; of the Professors $600, each per annum from the permanent income and $1.50 per term from the tuition of each student; and of the Assistant Professor $300, per annum from the permanent income, and $1 per term from the tuition of each student, until the number of Students paying tuition shall amount to one hundred. The Professor of Natural Science and as= sociate Professor of Language not to enter upon their duties or receive compensation, until the number and advancement of students shall render it necessary.

The Board then proceeded to the election of a President by ballot when it appeared that Rev. Robert Davidson D,D, was chosen by a unanimous vote.

Our motion, Rev. Aaron Williams was appointed Professor of Languages, Rev. Elisha Ballantine Associate Professor of Languages, Wm. W. Mather Professor and James M. Safford Assistant Professor of Natural Science; and Rev. Alfred Ryors Professor of Mathematics, in the place of Rev. L.D. Mcgabe made vacant by his acceptance of a Professorship in the Ohio Wesleyan University. On the motion for the appoint= ment of Mr. Ryors in place of Mr. Mcgabe as professor of Mathematics the yeas & nays were demanded and were as follows,- Yeas- Aikin, Brown, Hoge, Horton, Hubbard, Vinton & Welch, -7- NaysHatch, Keith & Miller -3-

Resolved, that Dr. Hoge and Mr. Hubbard be a Committee to inform the gentlemen elected of their appointments respectively as members of the Faculty and solicit their acceptance.

Resolved, that, should said appointments be ac= cepted said Committee are requested to make pub= licin such manner and with such remarks as they may deem proper.

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14 Wednesday, November 17, 1847 Resolved, that Rev. M.A. Hoge, judge Keith Mr. A. Miller, O.W.Brown Esq William P. Cutler Esq and A.G. Brown be a Committee to invite a meet= ing of the former Students of the University in {?connexion?} with the inauguration of the President and Professor elect, and to make arrangements for the occasion. Our motion, Resolved, that in declaring the place of Rev. D.D. McCabe vacated by his acceptance of a Professorship in another Institution no disrespect is intended to him, and that the Board would express their regard for him as a gentleman and scholar, and their desire that he may be eminently acceptable and successful in his present station. Our motion, Judge Keith, Mr. Aikin, Mr. welch and Mr. Horton were appointed a Committee to Report upon the recommendation of the Principal of the Preparatory Department and in relation to the occupation of Rooms in the College Building by students. The Committee after= wards reported, recommending the following Resolutions which were adopted. Resolved that the Resolution adopted at the August meeting in relation to the occupation of the College Rooms by Students be so far modified, as to leave it in the sound discretion of the Faculty whether or not to permit the Rooms to be occupied by Students as dormitories. Resolved, that the same compensation be allowed to Mr. Ballard as was to Mr. Safford during the time he may be employed in his place. Resolved that the windows broken during vacation be repaired under the direction of Mr. Williams. Our motion, Dr. Hoge, Mr. Vinton and Mr. Horton, were appointed a Committee to consider the property of memorializing the Legislature in regard to measures for the benefit of the University who made a Report against memorializing the Legislature in the pres= ent state of affairs, but recommending the following Resolution which our motion was adopted. Resolved that Messn, Hoge, Hubbard, Keith, Welch and Brown, be a Committee to advise and act in any measures before the next General Assembly which may affect the interest of the University.

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15 Wednesday November 17, 1847 Our motion, Resolved that in case Dr. Davidson should decline the Presidency, that Rev. Aldred Ryors be and hereby is appointed provisionally to act as Presi= dent until the vacancy shall have been filled by the Board. Our motion, Resolved that Mr. Welch be appointed a member of the acting Committee in place of Mr. Morris removed to Cincinnati. Synopsis of the Report of the Committee on Financial affairs. Total indebtedness of the University Jan. 1, 1847 $15206 95 Probable amount of available claims due the University 7585 00 Bal. against the university at said date say 7621 95 Estimated expenditures for the year 1847 1800 00 Which deducted from $4100, annual income leaves bal. 2300 00 Which will leave the bal. of indebtedness Jan. 1, 1848 5321 95 Estimated expenditures for 1848 2600 00 Which would leave applicable to debt 1500 00 Which would leave the bal. of debt Jan 1, 1849 3821 95 After which it is believed a Sinking fund of 500 00 per annum would be sufficient. A reorganization it is believed might safely take place next Fall, on a scale, at first, requiring not more than $2500 to $2800, from the permanent income. After the first year if successful considerable aid might be relied upon from Tuition. The aim should be in any and every contingency to guard carefully against expenditures beyond the reliable yearly income. Lots remain to be disposed of which at a future day and in favorable times, would probably bring from $1000 to $1500 and would add something besides to the permanent income. Our motion Adjourned Attest. A.Brown Secy

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