Aperitif (L'Heure Bleu), three dancers, one with hat, slide 02, Murray Louis, 1982


Aperitif (L'Heure Bleu), three dancers, one with hat, slide 02, Murray Louis, 1982

What's happening in this image? (There are no wrong answers! Feel free to describe the movement, provide additional context, add dancer birth & death dates, or note any details relevant to dance study & research.): Color promotional photograph of three dancers from the Murray Louis Dance Company (one male dancer leaping in the air with arms raised while holding a black bowler hat; first female dancer in mid-spin pose, left arm reached behind her back and right arm reaching her left shoulder; second female dancer leaning back with legs and arms stretched), for their performance of Aperitif (L'Heure Bleu) at the Theatre de Paris, Paris France.

Suggest a new title for the image if the current one is inaccurate or lacks important information.:

Performance date (YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD): 1982-03-23

Commissioned by:

Dance title: Apéritif (Choreographic work : Louis)

Dance title (if Other): Aperitif (L'Heure Bleu)

Dance title - variations & related works:

Section title - if part of larger work:

Additional dancers (separate with semicolon): Carol S. Mead; Marcia Menefee;

Dance Company: Murray Louis Dance Company

Dance Company (if Other):

Photographer: Caravaglia, Tom

Photographer (if Other):

Additional contributors:

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