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MDS. FWR June 6 1790
I received with pleasure your favor
May 30 with the enclosed speciman. It is the
Geranium macrohizum common cranesbill described in my Bot'cl. paper
p. 46g. Linn. Gerr. Plant. [crossed out] is [end crossed out] Editio novissima] Vienna.
No 832--Syst. Vegetabilium [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] Gen. 832. Spec. 47. If
you attend to the blossoms just [inserted] as they are [end inserted] expanding , you will find
the filaments are united together at their base, & seperate
at the top. It is therefore, not decandria monogynia ,
but monadelphia decandria. When the blossom is
considerably advanced the cohesion of the bottom of
the filaments is hardly perceptable, & would be
naturally supposed to belong to the Decandria monogy
nia. [crossed out] In my botanical paper [illegible] [end crossed out] The [Speciman?]
[crossed out] you have [end crossed out] [inserted] with [wch?] you have [end inserted], favored me [crossed out] with [end crossed out] has led me to detect an
error in my my paper wh. I had not before discovered.
[crossed out] I recognized the plant the moment [end crossed out] [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out]
[crossed out] your letter instantly recognized the plant [end crossed out]
I recognized the plant instantly on opening your letter,
but [inserted] [illegible] wh. I have found [end inserted] I wished to compare [crossed out] the [end crossed out] its specific character
with those found in this vicinity, which I find to be
the same with yours--but it is not the [Species ? I supposed
it to be & wh. I have called it my paper. The plant
is annual and approaches nearer to the Grn. Carolinianuma

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