MDS. FWR June 6 1790 I received with pleasure your favor May 30 with the enclosed speciman. It is the Geranium macrohizum common cranesbill described in my Bot'cl. paper p. 46g. Linn. Gerr. Plant. [crossed out] is [end crossed out] Editio novissima] Vienna. No 832--Syst. Vegetabilium [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] Gen. 832. Spec. 47. If you attend to the blossoms just [inserted] as they are [end inserted] expanding , you will find the filaments are united together at their base, & seperate at the top. It is therefore, not decandria monogynia , but monadelphia decandria. When the blossom is considerably advanced the cohesion of the bottom of the filaments is hardly perceptable, & would be naturally supposed to belong to the Decandria monogy nia. [crossed out] In my botanical paper [illegible] [end crossed out] The [Speciman?] [crossed out] you have [end crossed out] [inserted] with [wch?] you have [end inserted], favored me [crossed out] with [end crossed out] has led me to detect an error in my my paper wh. I had not before discovered. [crossed out] I recognized the plant the moment [end crossed out] [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] [crossed out] your letter instantly recognized the plant [end crossed out] I recognized the plant instantly on opening your letter, but [inserted] [illegible] wh. I have found [end inserted] I wished to compare [crossed out] the [end crossed out] its specific character with those found in this vicinity, which I find to be the same with yours--but it is not the [Species ? I supposed it to be & wh. I have called it my paper. The plant is annual and approaches nearer to the Grn. Carolinianuma than
than to the macrorhizum. It does not perfectly correspond with the Carob for the Petals are not marginated nor the leaves properly multifid. It corresponds best with G. incanum, but I suspect it is not the same for Lin nous in his Spec. Plant. has given a Lynon [?Boy?] [?ludgb?] 331 & [?Burm?] ger. 26 [p.26?] where the leaves are described differently from our "foliis multipartitis - laciniis linearibus." I am therefore inclined to believe it to be a new species. The root of this species of Geran. is powerfully astringent, and joined with the marsh rosemary (Statice limonium. [?Mem. Head.?] p. 432 is an excellent medicine in inflamed or ulcerated sore throats. It may be chewed in the mouth or made into a dust. -- [?Informal?] ulcerations on ye tong or lips it is [agreed?] remedy by [chew'ng?]. it in the mouth.
Mr. Epes Sarg't. very Imperfect [Literary?}
at A. add. of the first part at B. do. of the Second part at C Dela from C & D and insert - or their legal representative, and the third chapter by the first and second parties of the concern or their legal representatives
at E add - or the National Bank of the United States should such be established
at F add - Subject to be [drawn?] from [thence?] [inserted] for the use of [end inserted] [crossed out] by [end crossed out] the Land [Manasseh] Cutler & Winthrop Sargent [inserted] or [end inserted] their Grantors or Legal representatives [crossed out] in [end crossed out] or either of them in [crossed out] such [end crossed out] proportion to the interest they respectively hold in the said moiety or portion
at G add } appointing agents, and drawing money out of [crossed out] at G. [end crossed out] } [crossed out] Dela the remainder of the paragraph [end crossed out] the Bank
at H Dela from H } and the said [Manasseh?] Cutler and Winthrop to I and insert } Sargent or their legal representatives
at K dela from K } the said William [Manasseh?] & Winthrop in to L & insert } in [manner?] [last?] mentioned
Dela from M to N & } insert } - in [?manner?] last mentioned