Letter from Manasseh Cutler to Ebenezer Hazard, October 21, 1785





Ipswich Oct 21st 1785 Sir, By the newspapers last spring, I was informed that the [indecipherable] Society at Philadelphia had done me the honour [crossed out] of [end crossed out] to elect me a member [crossed out] of their Society [end crossed out]. And my much respected friend, the Reverend [?Mr. Belknap?], not long after, informed me to whom I was indebted for procuring this mark of attention from so respectable a literary society. The honor conferred is too flattering not to be highly pleasing, and demands my warmest acknowledgements to you, Sir, for the kind part you have taken in procurring it, as well as to Mr. Belknap for the obliging manner, in which his friendly partiality has led him to mention me to you. Please to accept my most hearty thanks for the favor you have done me, and excuse my long delay in making my acknowledgements, which has been occasioned by my expecting an Official letter from one of [indecipherable] of the Society. _ I most sincerely wish the two literary Societies established in America may cultivate the warmest friendship for each other, and by their united excertions, promote the important ends of their Institutions. The printing of the Vol. of Memoirs of the American Academy will be completed in a few weeks, and the Comm- concerned in this publication would be much obliged by recieving a list of the Members of the Society at Philadelphia, as they wish, in the list of Members of the Academy [crossed out] that is to be [end crossed out] and will be published in this Vol. to [crossed out] [indecipherable] who are likewise [end crossed out] mention those as members of [crossed out] the [end crossed out] Society at Philadelphia who are members of both Societies. If it would not be inconvenient for you, would solicit the favor of procuring such a list, and transmiting it to me as early as may be. For several years past I have [crossed out] employed my [end crossed out] [crossed out] [indecipherable] [end crossed out] paid some attention to botancical enquires, I have made some advances in exploring the vegetable production in this part of the county. And should be extremely happy to correspond with some gentlement in the southern states, who are acquainted with the Linnean System, with a view of ascertaining what vegetable productions are [indecipherable]

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peculiar to the Southern or to the Northern states - and what are common to both, and for [crossed out] persuthing the [end crossed out] other botanical purposes. Should there be any such gentlemen of your acquaintance, you will [crossed out] much oblige me [end crossed out] confer a particular obligation by informing me of their names, and especially by introducting such a correspondence. I have taken the liberty, by the desire of our good friend Mr. Belknap to enclose a letter to him, who will probably be at New York [crossed out] or Philadelphia, whom [end crossed out] when this letter arrives. I have the honor to be, with the highest esteem and respect Sir, your most Obedient humble servant M Cutler

[printed text] Watson and Mulligan, Beg Leave to inform their Friends and the Public, That they have opened a very large and convenient Store, North Side of the Market-House, Boston, where they purpose to carry on the COMMISSION BUSINESS, in all its Branches, on the most reasonable Terms. - Those who please to favour them with their Consignments may depend on the stricktest Honour and Punctuality - their Concerns negotiated on the most advantageous and marcantile Principles; and every Favour gratefully acknowledged - By their most obedient humble Servants.

[addressee at bottom of page] Eb. Hazard Esq. Post-Master-General Oct. 21 - 1785

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