Cure for the bite of a mad dog





Cure of the Bite of the Mad Dog

Last edit over 1 year ago by alvoisard


Bite of a Mad DogFor addition to the printed account Lettering resides in Pennsylvania has disclosed to Legislation of that State a medicine which he Says he has found un-questionable effecacion in curing the bite of the mad dog, either in man or in beast, & that it had been used by him & his ancestors 250 years.

He also informs us that he is now 75 years oldwas born in Germany & came from there with his Parents to Pennsylvania when 11 years old.- that his mother bro't the seeds of the herb- that he presented to the Commander quantity of the Seed of Herb- and will give of the seeds to others, who will call for it.

They also learn from Reverend Henry Muhlenburg that it is an annual plant known in England by the name of red pimpernel- By Botanish, as he is informed- Ana=gallis Phoenicea-in Germany and Switzerland - - Gauchheil- Rother Meyer, or Rother Heinerdarm.- That it should be geathered in June when in full blossom. In Germany he understands the usual dose was 30 grams of the Powder taken 4 times a day, & continued one week, in smaller doses; the wound washed with the decoction of the herb, & some of the powder shewed in it. Heat the plant is cultivated in many gardens, & grows near Baltimore & Havure de Grace, spontaneously in great plenty.

The printed part was cut out of a Winchester Paper -(Virga)- The above, which is an addition to the same account printed in the Balance. As I could not procure this paper I copied it.

It seems this application was made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania in the sesions of 1802 (winter and spring).

Last edit over 1 year ago by alvoisard
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