Farfel Notebook 08: Leaves 499-571





Reprinted 1) Madrid, Imprenta Real por T. Junti, 1621 f° 2) Sevilla 1634 4° 3) Madrid 1746 f° Icazbalceta "Contains the general rules of the Franciscan order as revised + approved at a council in Toledo in 1583. Attached is a tabula in 4 leaves of the general chapter held in Toledo" Lib. of Congress #15 1939 Spec. Coll. z 210 u 58 (Stanford) "A compendium of the the general statutes of Barcelona as copied down by a group of Franciscans in the convent of S. Juan de los Reyes, Toledo, 1583. The book also contains the Estatutos generales de las Indias."

The book of pre Hispaic period took the form of a MSS in which hieroglyphs were painted upon both sides of oblong leaves of paper (derived from the fibrous bark of the wild fig-amatl) or skin (a rude approximation of vellum made from deer or other animals) Printing became an important force in the colonial culture of Mexico within 20 years of the Conquest (1519). From then until the close of the colonial period in 1821 books in increasing numbers were produced on the presses of Mexico City, Puebla, Oaxaca + Veracruz. By the end of the 16th C no less tha 9 presses were functioning in Mexico City + over 200* publications had appeared. The paper was made in Spain + brought to Mexico. It is likely, however, that the number of books imported exceeded those printed locally in large numbers. *204 different books produced by Pablos, Espinosa + 6 others (including 1 woman).

Last edit almost 2 years ago by cw057318


Juan Cromberger of Seville (d. there Sept 1540) sent Juan Pablos (Giovanni Paoli) - a native of Brescia, Italy to Mexico to start a branch office 1) Juan Pablos - 1539-1560 (1539 → 100 years before the press began operations in Cambridge, MA.) 2) Antonio de Espinose 1559-1576 3) Pedro Ocharte 1563-1592. 4) Colaboratio of 2 + 3 5) Pedro Balli (1547-1600) printed more than 60 books 6) Antonio Ricardo 1577-79, 1584-1605 → former parter of P. Ocharte - In 1580 est. the first press in Peru - unable to begin operating until 1584. 7) Viuda de P. Ocharte 1594-1597 8) Cornelius Adrian Cesar 1597-1605 9) Melchor Ocharte 1597-1605 10) Luis Ocharte Figueroa 1600-1601 11) Enrico Martiez 1599-1611 1554 - 1st use in Mexico of roman + italic types - previous → gothic Spanish archbishop of Mexico -- Zumáuage Viceroy - Mendoza

The printing establishment of J. Pablos passed in 1563 into the hands of Pedro Ocharte, who had married a daughter of Pablo's. Ocharte, the 3rd printer of definite record in Mexico was in reality a Frenchman from Rouen whose name was Charte, probably Pierre Charte. He had been in the city of Mexico sice 1558, doubtless as an employee in the Pablos printing office. His career as a master printer was beset c difficulties, as he came under the suspicion of the Inquisition in 1572 + thus was kept from any regular attention to his printing business for 7 years. H. R. Wagner states that "he never found anything that would prove that Ocharte was a printer. When he was in trouble

Last edit almost 2 years ago by cw057318


with the Inquisition his press was being worked by Negro slaves + he was in partnership c Espiosa + P. Balli. His trial before the Inquisition gave a contemporary picture of the state of printing in the 3rd quarter of the 16th C." P. Ocharte 1st imprint → "Prouisoes cedulas," 1563. -- printed some 35 books - used gothic, roman + italic types as well as woodcuts + rather elaborate initials. printed 1) the 1st Spanish-American law book (1563), compiled by Vasco de Puga. 2) 1587 - 1st work on seamanship in the New World, the "Instruccion nauthica." - Books printed in Mexico before Jan. 1, 1601, are often labeled "Mexican incurables", + they represent some of the finest printing from the earliest presses in the New World. Z 210 Z 98 HEHL - Los Franciscanos y la Imprenta en Mexico. "Decretada en 1517 por Leon X por su Bula Ite et vos in vineam meam la separacion carronic de los Coventuales y Observantes, continuo entre estos la distincion de las familias cismontana y ultramontana y esta ultima, reunida en la Congregacion General de Tolosa. Francia, en 1532 dio nueva forma a los Estatutos de Barcelona. En el Capitulo GEneral Intermedio de Toledo de 1583 fueron aprobados con las reformas que, sobre tood, la celebracion de Concilo de Trento imponia. En el Capitulo General de Toledo de 1606 se decreto una nueva revision de los Estatutos de Barcelona."

Last edit almost 2 years ago by cw057318



Foliophiles Santa Fe, NM Jan. '00 $15 (6)

See #6,7 440

The Holy Bible London: Robert Barker, 1612 Ref: Herbert 313 S.T.C. 2219 Copy: HEHL, BM

The 1st 4° edition of the King James' version; printed in roman type. Ruth iii 15, hee. Sig: A8 A-Z8 Aa-Zz8 Aaa-Zzz8 [A]-[M]8; 656 ff. Leaves not numbered. Text printed in double columns; each page within rules.

HEHL #32190

Herbert 323 - The 1st black letter 4° ed. of KJ version. STC. 2227 1613

my leaf → New Testament - St. Matthew, 26:45→27:36 Xxx7 (of 8) Matthew begins on Ggg6 (of 6) ends on Xxx8 (of 8) Strictly the 2nd ed. of the King James version. There appears to have been 2 issues, one a "He" + one a "She."

Last edit almost 2 years ago by cw057318



Foliophiles Santa Fe, NM Jan. '00 $45 (18)

John Foxe (1516-1587) Actes and Monuments of these Latter and Perillous Dayes (The Book of Martyrs) "Newly recognised and enlarged" 2 vol. See #50 #533 #690 London: John Daye: 1576 (27 jn) 3rd ed. Ref: S.T.C. 11224 Copy: HEHL, NYPL, Folger. {dwelling over Aldersgate beneath Saint Martins HEHL #20116 2nd vol. -- begins on p. 733 (AAa1) c K. Henry 8. K. Henry 8 ends on p. 1256 (TTT4) my leaf HHH6 (of 6) p. 1131 + 32 K. Henry 8 → eight booke. In 1597 edition p. 1053 p. 1057 Edward 6 → ninth booke. -- finis on p. 2008 The epistle in Latin of Volusianus begins on p. 1129 followed by the same in English (mine) After -- Allegations against the Vi (i.e.6) Articles Priests Mariage. Vulusianus -- Byshop of Carthage. Hulderichus -- Byshop of Augusta about year 900. S.T.C. John Foxe #11222 The Book of Martyrs f° J. Day: 1563 (20 mr.) 1741 pages #11223 2 vol. f° J. Daye 1570. HEHL #291330 John Foxe -- Vol. 2, 1583, 4th ed. -- larger leaves. my leaf is p. 1160 and 61 in this ed. (III3) "The epistle in Latin of Volusianus, or as some thinke of Huldericus Bishop of Augusta, to Pope Nicolas against the forbidding of Priestes Mariage" -- In this 1576 ^ed. my J. Rogers woodcut (#533) is on p. 1418 at the bottom of the leaf. "Lord receiue my spirite" in a smaller type - otherwise the woodcut is the same.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by cw057318
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