Foliophiles Sante Fe, NM Jan. '00 $55 (22)
See #316
Missale Ratisponense (Regensburg) CCLXXXII (leaf J6) Bamberg: Johann Pfeyl, 15 Dec. 1500 f° Ref: HC 11359 Weale p. 127 Weale-Boh 81 Schr 4751 Polain (B) 2729 Oates 278 Meyer-Baer 114. Pr 794 Goff M-688 German Haebler #16 Copy: PML, B. Royale C5 (sans le fnc I et le cahier du Canon) Oxford, Regensburg (AK 1959), Munich Polain 2729 8 ffnc. 168 ffc. en rouge: I-CLXVIII, 30 ff nc., 133 ffc.: CC-CCCXXII, 3 ff nc. Car. goth. 3 (pent être 4) grand. Gros type (18) Haebler; petit type (19) Haebler; plus petit (sig. only) Type 15 BMC 86 (BMC XVII) Impr. rouge et noir. 2 col. 31 II. Cahiernon signé8. Majuscules plus grand. Plain chant noté (10 portées par page)
BMC I p. 176 { 24 Jan. 1499 II Breviarium Bambergense { 23 Nov. 1498 I Goff B-1148 Bamberg: Pfeyl alone Types: 196, 156, 86, 81
See #137} J. Sensenschmidt (1478) Nuremberg. c Petzsenteiner c Pfeyl - from 1495 to end of century - then continued alone.
Examples of Pfeyl's printing are of great rarity. He worked first c. H. Petzensteiner + Laurenz Sensenschmidt in Bamberg + then alone. Breviary (use of Regensburg) Bamberg: J. Pfeyl, 10 Oct. 1495 Goff B-1177 H 3886.
Weale Bohatta - #811 1500 XV kal. Jan. (15 Dec.) 8 nn., 168 n., 30 nn., 136 n. = 342 2 col. 31, 17 lines other ed. by Pfeyl #810 Dec. 11 1497, f°. HC 11358. Goff M-687 #812 April 18, 1510 The major early lithurgical books for the diocese of Regensburg were printed in Regensburg itself, (the 1st. Missal, 1485) Augsburg + particularly Bamberg. - "After A. Pfister had given up printing in 1461, there was but 1 press of importance to be found in Bamberg which seems to have been founded there in 1479. It was under the management of J. Sensenschmidt of Eger who had already practised as a printer in Nuremberg. And as he had done in that town we see him also in Bamberg working in partnership c others, c Heinrich Petzensteiner + Johann Beckenhub; when he died in 1491 his son Laurentius Sensenschmidt followed his father's practice + worked in partnership c H. Petzensteiner + Johann Pfeil. About 1495 J. Pfeil took the management of the press into his own hands without altering anything in the nature of the publications. The Sensenschmidt press at Bamberg, as long as it existed, issued chiefly liturgical works + at the onset was certainly a leading firm in that province. But at a later time the leadership was taken by Georg Stuchs in Nuremberg + so we see that in 1500 J. Pfeil printed the Missale Ratisponense c types that are almost the same as those of G. Stuchs. Yet he was able to maintain the reputation of the press for careful execution and handsome get-up. The press was as well supplied c initials + liturgical letters as that of Nuremberg; music notes were printed without any difficulty + the printing in 2 colors was of the greatest accuracy. Pfeil continued printing far into the 16th C." Haebler.
Foliphiles Santa Fe, NM Jan '00 $95 (38)
See #145
Thomas Aquinas (1225?-74) Catena aurea super quattuor evangelistas Basel: Michael Wenssler, 1476 f° (1st press) Ref: Goff T-229 H. 1332 Pell 963 Pr 7481 BMC III 723 Copy: HEHL, LC
438 leaves, the 1st + last blank. 2 col. The text in each col. is surrounded on 3 sides by the gloss. 4a: 621. of gloss + headline, 281 (300) x 195 mm. A col. of 471. of text on 172b measures 281 mm. Types 121b, text (P, 8) Different C + V and a free admixture of Roman majuscules as those of Richel 112, rounded lowercase, no division stroke or !, and short double hyphen. In this book the headlines consist entirely of Roman capitals. In use 1476-9. (P2) 92a gloss - medium text type. Q (2 forms) S, T, V, c curled foot. In use in 1471-9. Capital space at the begining of each chapter of text. The headlies give the evangelists' names and the chapter numbers.
HEHL #104540 rub. in red (differs from my leaf), large initial at beginning of 4 Gospels rubricated in red + blue. my leaf is b9 (of 10) no sig. i book. Capit III begins on b7 (of 10) ends on c1 Mat. (total of XXVIII Capit.) ends on s5 (of 6) Mar. Lu. my leaf from Matthew 3:11 + 12. Iohan
M. Wenssler - no date earlier than 1472 can be connected c his press - a break in activity in 1483 + 4 - probably active in 1485 + resumed the practice of signing his books in 1486. Last book printed at Basel 1 April 1491, shortly thereafter left the city, subsequently printing at Cluny (1492), Mâcon (1493) + Lyon (1494-98).
K. Meyer #114 Baer belongs to #505. "Sensenschmidt besides producing on his own, worked also in collaboration c Petzensteiner + Pfeyl. We also have books from each of these 3 printers alone. The books printed by Pfeyl alone are the only ones that show a more highly decorative style." - Medieval biblical commentary often took the form of a compilation of quotations from patriotic sources to explicate passages. This genre, known as the catena patrum ("chain of the fathers") reached its apex in a work by T. Aquinas, respectfully called the Golden Chain by later readers. In it, Aquinas conatenates selections from 80 Greek + Latin authors to form a commentary on the 4 Gospels. - The Catena aurea was the 4th in a series of works Aquinas wrote on the Scriptures + writings of the great theologians of the church. His position that reason + revelation were the 2 fundamental sources of knowlegde implied "a careful study + comprehension of the results which accrued to man from reason + revelation, + a thorough grasp of all that had been done by man in relation to those 2 sources of human knowledge."
Foliophiles Santa Fe, NM Jan. '00 $60 (24)
Estatutos Generales De Barcelona. Mexico: Pedro Ocharte, 1585. small 4° Ref: Medina 104, Valton 22, Icazbalceta 96 112 Palsee 83547 Sabin 76106 Wagner 96
Copy: HEHL, LC, J. Carter, Bib. Nat. Mex. - book is not uncommon. 1207 more copies are known. 12 for 125 Title page c woodcut of Crucifixion equivocada la foliacion de la 37 for 73. 2 unnumbered, 121 numbered (3-125) and 11 unnumbered leaves. Followed by 4 unnumbered leaves c the title: "Tabvla capitvli || Generalis intermcdij Cismon - || toni Toleti celebrati. || Anno Die 29 Maij. 158 3." These leaves differ in type + page size from the Estatutos. (206 x 150 mm) Text: 24 lines, Roman type. (201. = 141 mm) 28 lines Roman type ← The Tabula is printed in a smaller type (201. = 119 mm) than that used in the body of the book, but nevertheless it belongs to the book. A2-R8, A4 -- signatures + catchwords. A-I, k, L-R, A4 -- 2nd woodcut on verso of title → "VM Franciscum, SI" on top border. HEHL #106313 Capitulos 1-folio 3 5-39 9-100 → ends on folio 102 2-14 6-48 3-18 7-65 then begins Estatutos 4-29 8 90 generales de los Frayles de las Indias which ends on folio 125. followed by Tabla de los Titulos Sig verse la Forma para dar el Habito a los Tabula Capituli. Anno 1583 (A1-A4) Nouicios on A1 Statuto Pro Universa - Familia Cismontana. A2 Pro Monialibus Hispaniae A3 Pro Gallicis et Belgicis A4 my leaf (at end of volume).