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3 revisions | cw057318 at Jan 26, 2023 04:14 PM farfel_n08_051_521E6 (of 6)
my leaf → fo. xxx DeSancto Augustino episcopo 7 confessore.
Transactions of the Bibliographical Society
The Library Series 5, Vol. 25, p1-10.
John Capgrave spent most of his life in the
Augustinian Friary at Lynn, now King's Lynn Norfolk
- only 4 saints' lives are definitely known to be his
work: those fo St. Augustine of Hippo, St. Gilbert
of Sempringham, St. Katherine of Alexandria +
St. Norbert. All 4 are in English, the last 2 in verse.
Nova Legenda Anglic - Capgrave's part
in the making of this work was probably nil.
-- a collection of 168 Saints' lives in the 1516 ed.
printed by W. de Worde. De Worde's ed. of 1516
follows the alphabetical arrangement of the
Sanctilogium + includes in addition a Prologue,
some more lives + a colophon.
- had its origin in the Sanctilogium Angliae,
Walliae, Scotiae, et Hiberniae of John, vicar
of Tynemouth (1350-63 f.) - also called
Johannes Anglicus - only manuscript of this
work in its orginal arrangement survives. 3 MSS
of a rearranged version survive. There is no means
of knowing which MSS version was used in making
the printed edition. Consequently it is impossible
to know how many lives (if any) were added to
the collection for the 1st time in the 1516 ed.
HEHL 45575
St. Augustine begins on fo xxii (D4) 10 3/4 x 7 1/2"
ends on fo xxxii (F2)
before - Sctō Audoeno ēpo et cōnfessore
after - Sancto Bartholomeno seruo dei 7 monacho
Volume beings with Sctō Adriano abbate et cōnfessore
ends with Sancto Wlstano Epo et confessore, folio cccxxxiiii E6 (of 6) Transactions of the Bibliographical Society farfel_n08_051_521E6 (of 6)
my leaf → fo. xxx DeSancto Augustino episcopo 7 confessore.
Transactions of the Bibliographical Society
The Library Series 5, Vol. 25, p1-10.
John Capgrave spent most of his life in the
Augustinian Friary at Lynn, now King's Lynn Norfolk
-- only 4 saints' lives are definitely known to be his
work: those fo St. Augustine of Hippo, St. Gilbert
of Sempringham, St. Katherine of Alexandria +
St. Norbert. All 4 are in English, the last 2 in verse.
Nova Legenda Anglic - Capgrave's part
in the making of this work was probably nil.
-- a collection of 168 Saints' lives in the 1516 ed.
printed by W. de Worde. De Worde's ed. of 1516
follows the alphabetical arrangement of the
Sanctilogium + includes in addition a Prologue,
some more lives + a colophon.
-- had its origin in the Sanctilogium Angliae,
Walliae, Scotiae, et Hiberniae of John, viar
of Tynemouth (1350-63 f.) - also called
Johannes Anglicus - only manuscript of this
work in its orginal arrangement survives. 3 MSS
of a rearranged version survive. There is no means
of knowing which MSS version was used in making
the printed edition. Consequently it is impossible
to know how many lives (if any) were added to
the collection for the 1st time in the 1516 ed.
HEHL 45575
St. Augustine begins on fo xxii (D4) 10 3/4 x 7 1/2"
ends on fo xxxii (F2)
before - Sctō Audoeno ēpo et cōnfessore
after - Sancto Bartholomeno seruo dei 7 monacho
Volume beings c Sctō Adriano abbate et cōnfessore
ends c Sancto Wlstano Epo et confessore, folio cccxxxiiii E6 (of 6) Transactions of the Bibliographical Society |