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4 revisions | cw057318 at Jan 26, 2023 03:03 PM farfel_n08_005_500* ? - a group of printers headed by Vitus Puecher.
Vitus Puecher was in Rome in 1471 (See Gutenberg
Jahrbuch 1956 pp 75-79 folio I4
my leaf
rubricated in red on recto de iur imui
De legationibus. Rxica de legetioni
The 1st book produced by this rare press is dated
April 13, 1475. The press was most activein the years
1475 & 6. The last book was dated 1478.
Digest - has been called the most important law book the
world has ever seen. For the Digest comprises not actual
laws which must be constantly adjusted to changing
conditions, but legal principles which have met the
test of time. Just in ian's codification of Roman law
preserved for the West Rome's most precious legacy from
a glorious past. The Digest was published Dec. 16, 533.
Digesta. I Digestum vetus (I-XXIV 2)
See #378 II Infortiatum (XXIV-3XXXVIII)
*III Digestum hovum (XXXIX-L).
Some 40 jurists supplied the material for the Digest
but in very unequal degre. About 1/3 of the whole
is taken from 41 Ulpian, 1/2 from 41 Ulpian and Paul together,
2/3 from the 5 jurists who occupy the place of
honour in the Law of Citations. The great majority
belong to what is called the classical age of Roman
jurisprudence (beginning of the Empire to middle of 3rd C) * ? - a group of printers headed by Vitus Puecher. Digest - has been called the most important law book the farfel_n08_005_500* ? - a group of printers headed by Vitus Puecher.
Vitus Puecher was in Rome in 1471 (See Gutenberg
Jahrbuch 1956 pp 75-79 folio I4
my leaf
rubricated in red on recto de iur imui
De legationibus. Rxica de legetioni
The 1st book produced by this rare press is dated
April 13, 1475. The press was most activein the years
1475 & 6. The last book was dated 1478.
Digest - has been called the most important law book the
world has ever seen. For the Digest comprises not actual
laws which must be constantly adjusted to changing
conditions, but legal principles which have met the
test of time. Just in ian's codification of Roman law
preserved for the West Rome's most precious legacy from
a glorious past. The Digest was published Dec. 16, 533.
[?Digesta?]. I Digestum vetus (I-XXIV 2)
See #378 II Infortiatum (XXIV-3XXXVIII)
*III Digestum hovum (XXXIX-L).
Some 40 jurists supplied the material for the Digest
but in very unequal degre. About 1/3 of the whole
is taken from 41 Ulpian, 1/2 from 41 Ulpian and Paul together,
2/3 from the 5 jurists who occupy the place of
honour in the Law of Citations. The great majority
belong to what is called the classical age of Roman
jurisprudence (beginning of the Empire to middle of 3rd C) * ? - a group of printers headed by Vitus Puecher. Digest - has been called the most important law book the |