- In 14th C England a host of popular preachers
appeared. Of importance are John Bromyard's
Opius trivium + the Summa praedicantium,
an enormous compilation that constituted a real
mine for preachers in quest of subjects both dogmatic
+ moral. It enjoyed an extraordinary popullarity towards
the end of the Middle Ages.
- The English Dominicans, from the end of the 14th through
the beginning of the 15th C were most zealous in refuting
the errors of Wycliff, so that their works had theological
controversy as their special subject.
-Before Chaucer, J. Bromyard is the moral satirist
of clerical life and , broader in range than Chaucer, he
subjects lay as well as classical institiutions to his
sharp sting. One must be struck by the modernity of
his 14th C complaint that schools of divinity are
deserted because everyone wants to make money + so
everyone is going to law school.
Claudin IV N. Wolff etait originaire de Lutter dans le dache
de Brunswick (Germany)
- made the 1st Greek caracters employed at Lyon
- 1st book a Juvenal in Latin, 1498.
- Frere Simon Berthier (fratrum minorum) professeur
distingue de theologie avait ete le correcteur du livre
- en tete du Tertium opus de saint Bernardin de
Sienne, apparait l'image de ce pieux personnage
- executes avec le petit caractere gothique que
d'on retrouvera dans les impressions de Jean
de Vingle
HEHL 85680 rub. in red + blue before Sacredotium first - Abbas no potest
Sacramenta last - X pus
5(I-ix) mine s3
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