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McMinnville, Oregon
Sept. '01

Franciscus de Insulis Michael (1435-1502).
Quodlibet de veritate fraternitatis Rosarii seu Psalterii Mariae virginis
Cologne: Arnold THer Hoernen, 1489
Ref: GOff F-297 HC 7343=13664 Pell 4919
Polain (B) 1512 1512 Pr 944 BMC I 207
Copy:HEHL, B Mawr CL, Liege, Biblio Nat.

ab8c10. 26 leaves, the first blank. 2a: 33 lines
139x79mm. Two to 4 line spaces left for

Type 88(84) [P2] smaller text type. It is
mainly found in quite late books.
84mm - due to recasting.

Arnold THer Hoernen - 1st dated book, 1470.
In 1477 he began to use signatures. His
last dated book, 1 Feb. 1482. He must have
died not long after this, as in Jan. 1485 his
widow was the wife of Conrad Welker von
Boppard, who carried on his business, perhaps
in partnership with Theodoricus (Diederich Molner)
his stepson.

HEHL 87507 rub. in red except for 1 blue Q
my leaf c5(7) of 10 i.e. would be folio 20
- in HEHL copy pages numbered in brown ink - my leaf
numbered page 39+40. TOtal 49 pages, 50 1, 2, (blank).
- Franciscus de Insulis - (1435-1502) Dominican
From 1490 in the service of emperor Maximilian I
as Beichvater + educator of his children. He
wrote the "Quodlibetica decisio" (Goff F-294) in 1494 -
printed for the 1st time by Thieny Martens around
1496 at Antwerp.

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