Santa Fe, NM
Feb. '00
$195 (78)
John, vicar of Tynemouth (1350-63f.)
John Capgrave. (1393-1464)
Nova Legenda Angliae f°
London: Wynkyn de Worde, Feb. 27, 1516.
Ref: S.T.C. 4601; Huth Library I p. 260
Copy: HEHL, Folger, NYPL, Harvard, BM (paper)
Biblio Nat. (vellum)
1st edition
See #161 #17 #46
The output of lives of the Saints was considerable
especially in the 1st decades of printing. Caxton 1st
published his translation of the Legenda Aurea in 1483
in a large folio volumes of 898 pages + it was not until
it reached its 8th + last ed. by 1527 that the market
was satisfied. During these years a smaller compilation
made in the 15th C. by J. Capgrave, the Nova Legenda
Angliae was published in 1516 in Latin by de Worde.
Not to be outdone, Pynson in the same year issued an
abridged translation of the work into English (4°)
The Nova Legenda was printed without a title
page, the leaf preceding the text having on the recto
a full page woodcut of a group of uninteresting
looking people, no doubt meant to represent some of
the saints whose miracles are recorded in the book.
The woodcut is repeated on the verso of the leaf
+ again on the recto of the last leaf. The text is
printed in a clear fount of Black Letter (9 45 mm) c
headlines, but no catchwords + there are some quite
good capitals to be found in it.
- one of the few folios printed by de Worde during
the period 1500 → 20. Altogether de Worde printed
over 800 books, the bulk of them undated.
- "one of the most elegant specimens of W. de Worde's
press" - Lowndes.
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