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The importance of the sermon in early New England is still
evident in New England's 2 greatest artistic achievements: its
literature + its church architecture. Sermons were by far the
most popular literary form of the time. Of all the books
published in the entire history of colonial New England,
nearly half dealt c religion, + most of those were collections
of sermons. New England meetinghouses were built as simple
lecture halls. The center of attention was not the alter but
the pulpit, not the priest + his rituals but the preacher
+ his sermon. Listening to sermons was considered an
essential Christian act. The written expression of religious ideas
became New England's greatest contribution to American literature.
-- Father of Cotton Mather, Increase Mather was
the leading voice of American Puritanism at the
end of the 17th century. (ANB)

Richard Pierce. Printer in Boston, 1684-90; [? at the
corner of Tremont St. + Boylston St.]
John Foster - was a bookseller as well as a printer
an engraver, + also compiled an almanac annually -
died Sept. 9, 1681 - age 32 years

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