Santa Fe, NM
Jan. '00
$95 (38)
1985 Copy sold for $800
See #500 #663
Increase Mather (1639-1723)
The Mystery of Christ. Sm. 8° Anno
Boston: Richard Pierce for Joseph Brunning, 1686.
Ref: Holmes #77 Sabin 46706 Evans 416.
Copy: HEHL, LC, NYPL, Bodleian
Sigs: C4, A-I8, K-N8, O4 total 112 leaves
pp. (2), 6, 212, (I)
Type page of title, 4 7/8 x 3"
-- Another imprint reads: Printed in the year MDCLXXXVI
-- Dedication, To the second Church and Congregation
at Boston in New England.
- total of 8 sermons }- 7 were selected from a series delivered
some 10 or more years before they were gathered in
this volume. The subject of the 8 sermons in this
work was a favorite of the author. The work was
advertised in the author's A Call from Heaven, the 2nd (8°)
impression, Boston, 1685. (See #19B) I. Mather returns
to this subject in his later work Meditations on the
Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, Boston, 1705. (see #74)
HEHL #24078
3rd sermon → "Jesus Christ is over all, God blessed
for ever" Rom. IX. 4
begins p. 55 D4 (of 8)
ends p 74 E7 (of 8) leaf E6 is a blank.
my leaf E2 (of 8) pp. 67 + 68.
Increase was the youngest of the 5 sons of Richard
Mather (1596-1669). He was born June 21, 1639 + named
"because of the never-to-be-forgotten Increase
wherewith God favored the country" at that time.
He preached his 1st sermon on his 18th birthday
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