Farfel Notebook 06: Leaves 397-468



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2/94 Getty MSS - liberal arts - 2 groups - the 3+4 fold paths to knowledge - the soothing medicinal effects fo the harp music take the form of a dove flying towards the king's ear (Saul + David) - 3 music making siirens - their sweet song represented the lures of the Devil, the world + the flesh. - marginalia (things in the margins) 1st appeared in English + northern French MSS in the mid - 13th C. + remained fashionable throughout the 14th - 1 parody of figures of authority (royalty, doctors etc.) 2 merry marking. - images of David as a musician - Ps 1 harp (strings) 80 - cymbals (percussion), 97 organ (wind

- Beatus vir - " happy is the man." - Virgin Mary - role as Queen of heaven + Earth, and Queen of the Angels. - the bagpipe was an instrument / ) assoc. with the uncouth behavior of the lower classes. - Romance of the Rose - narrated by a young man dreaming about a quest for sexual union with his love the Rose. - bestiary - a collection of stories in which characteristics of red + mythical animals serve as allegories of Christian virtues + vices. - gold - symbol of heaven - the realm of God. - ass - assoc. with unbridled lust in the Middle Ages. - 24 elders - Apocalypse 4: 4-8. - gold ground painting

Lapis lazuli - melchitz - green copper - green azurite - blue lead - white

1) size - animal glue 2) gisso - ground gypsum 3) bole animal glue + red clay 4) gold brownish ink + polished afterwards smooth object such as agate - assured, adherence of the gold 5) gold decorated by tooling + punching pumice - volcanic glass 6) paing - egg empera

Last edit over 1 year ago by cw057318
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Last edit over 1 year ago by cw057318
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