Farfel Notebook 04: Leaves 223-316



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B. Rosenthal 236 San Francisco July '86 $40 [inserted] 4 [end inserted] Pseudo - fl. 350 - 420 Heironymus (Eusebius Hieronymus) St. Jerome Leben der heiligen Altvater. (See # 100) Augsburg : Peter Berger, 21 May 1488 f0 (Chancery) Ref: Goff H-219 HC 8606 BMC II 391. Schr 4220 Pr 1916 Cop: \ Wolfenbuttel.(#2773), Nuremberg,Augsburg\ fiij Plate 6, Schreiber woodcuts / Das xliij blat [X4] a-m8n6; A-N8O6 216 leaves , the last blank. 5-106 numbered Dao erst - cij blat , 107-215 numbered Das erst clx blat. 2 col. [inserted]147 small cuts in part I & 128 in part II[end inserted] 7th : 44 lines & foliation, 214 (218) x 144 - 5 mm. Type : 97 Gothic text type , in use in 1488 & 89. 2 forms of N & V . looped ch, d , h,L. (from 5sets) 27b woodcuts, one full page. Woodcut initials. the registered output of P. Berger's press comprises one book. 20 Oct. 1486, the 3 books of 1488 & 89 & - undated book. This is the 2nd book to have been issued from Peter Berger's press. The series of illustrations is based on Anton Sorg's 1482 ed. of the same work. They are fairly free adaptations , revered in many cases, as are those in Schonsperger's ed. of 1485. St. Jerome's popular collection of biographies of the early Eastern monks & hermits. [crossed out] This is the 2nd book from Peter Berger's press.[end crossed out] The Altvacter is a real "reading book" & the many fine illustrations are neatly fitted into one column of the double-column pages. -4th edition.

Schr 4220 les figg. de celte ed. s' accordent avec celles der No. 4218 (H. Schersperger c 1485, C. 2966) il y a 143 gsb. dans le 1st part et 128 in the 2nd. The books issued by P. Berger from 1486-89 contain no original woodcuts. Iterestingly all German ed. of the Vitae Patrum except the 1st (H-216 See # 100) were printed at Augsburg-represents a late medieval impulse to reach back to the earliets eras of Christianity for the authority of the church

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Etenferl
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237 B. Rosenthal San Francisco July '86 $25 Herbarius latinus (without synonyms) 10th ed. Viconza : Leonardus (Achates) de Basilca & Guilidmus See #409 de Papia , 27 Oct. 1491 4 Ref: Goff H-68 HC 8451 Early Herbals 10 BMC VII 1033 Cop: HEHL, PML, Univ Kansas t7(of8) Pritzd 10755 Wellcome 3100 [*4] a-t8;ux8. 172 leaves, 1 & 156 blank, 5 - 154 numbered I - CL. Tablets (2a - 3a, 155a, 155b) in 2 col. 157a; 33 lines, 144 x 89 mm. printed capitals on 2a & 157a, capital spaces - guide letters from 157a onward; border on 2a. 150 woodcuts of herbs. (22) Types : 114 R (capitals only), names of herbs Wellcome Cat. 198x144 mm. - heavy rather rough Text Type. In use 1480, 81, 89, 91 88 R - 1st used in 1481& is still in use in 1497.

the 1st known Italian ed. of the anonymous Herbarius.

1st printer of Vicenza Leonardus (Achatis) de Basilea 3rd press (1st, Padua 1472&3) - having worked at Saint' Orso (2nd press) in the earlier part of 1474, Leonardus removed to Vicenza in time to complete there an Uberti Oittamondo by Nov. of the same year. Dated books, some 25 in number altogether, are found in 1474 - 6, 1479 -82, 1489-91 & 1497. Jacobus de Dusa was his partner in 1482 & Guilielmus de Papia in June & Oct. 1491. Burger records 34 works printed by him, among them Petrarca's Canzoniere. Text & arrangement identical to Schoeffer's ed (1484), but of course without German names of plants; the figures are more austere in style & differ in many cases - probably in line - an Italian model. There are only 2 books known , printed jointly by Leonardus A chates & G. de Papia

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Etenferl
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The author divides his work into 7 parts : - 1) De vurtuitibus herbarum 2) De simplicibus laxativis et lenitivis - laxatives 3) De simplicibus comfotativis - aromatics 4) De Fructibus et seminibus et radicibus - fruits, seeds & plants of garden & orchard 5) De gummis et eis similibus. gums & resins 6) De generibus salis et mineris et lapidibus - palta, minerales & stones 7) De animalibus et provenientibus als eis, - a variety of animals & their products The 1st part dealing - the description of 150 plants, illust. by the same number of woodcuts on 150 leaves, the remaining 6 parts without figures occupying together 96 chapters, discuss the same number of drugs. This work was intended to treat cheap & homely remedies for the use of the poor, each as could be found in the woods or meadows; & by far the greater part is taken up - herbs. These are all native German or garden plants. No exotic plants are described; but in the latter part of the work, foreign drugs, such as Aloes, Manna, Rhubarb, Myrrh etc. are mentioned without being described. - alphabetical order was adhered to in all parts of the Herbarius. - les figures desaineces expres pour cette impression ont servi de modele a toute les impressions suivantes. - Schoeffer's Herbarius was 1st printed in Italy in this Vicenza ed. of 1491. Unlike the varius transalpine editions, the Vicenza ed. supplies no verncular plant names. A number of the Vicenza woodcuts simply copy Schoeffler's iconography, whether or not they derive directly from this edition; but many others are quite independent of his. Frequently the Vicenza ed. shows plants in flower where Schoeffer's ed. failed to. Subsequent Italian ed. all copied the Vicenza iconography.

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238 Winter Farm Books Maine July '86 $25

Plinius Secundus, Gaius (Pliny, the Elder) AD 23-79. Historia naturalis. [Italian} Ts: Christophorus Landinus. See #453 Venice: Bartholomeaus de Zanis, 12 Sept. 1489. f #470 Ref: Goff P-803 . HCR 13107 BMC V 431. Cop: HEHL , YUL. {Libu XIX cap,V { s iii a12; b-q8 rs6 A-N8OP6. 260 leaves. The 1st blank. 2 col. 14a : 60 lines, 240 X 164 mm. Capital spaces - guide letters. (312 x 210 mm) Type : 80 R' - commentary & smell text Type. single Q u only is found in use throughout.

De Zanis' 1st signed book - 31 Jan. 1486/7. He continued at work well into the next century, printing both at Venice & at Portese in 1489 & 1490. - One of several books owned by Christopher Columbus.

The Historia soon became a standard book of reference. It was the basis of Isadore's Etymologiae & such medieval encyclopaedias as the Speculum Majus of V. Beauvais & the Catholicon of Balbus. It is an encyclopedia of all the knowledge of the ancient world. Most important from the standpoint of the herbalist were Pliny's books on trees, plants & medicaments (Books XIIXXVII) out of 37 books, 16 are concerned - plants, & 18 - medicines & diseases. There is a certain amount of overlap, for 8 of the plant-based books also discuss medicines obtained from herbs, shrubs, fruits & trees. Pliny is mentioned 116 times in Der Gart & 264 times in the Hortus sanitatis. - The 1st important printed books in science - an encyclopeddia of many subjects - revered for over 15C.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Etenferl
Displaying pages 31 - 35 of 196 in total