Farfel Notebook 04: Leaves 223-316



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227 Los Angeles Dawsons Feb. 1986 $30.00 Josephus, Flavius. (born in 37or38-died after 100) Debello Judaico. [In Italian] Guerra dei Giudei. Florence: Bartolommeo di Libri, 6 July 1493. f^0 Ref: J-490 HCR 9460 BMC VI 649 Haebler plate 12/16 Type 2 Cop: HEHL YUL, New L. p 58 h2 [*^2] ; a -z^8[?2?]^8Rx^6. 208 leaves, the lot blank. 4^b: 40 lines, 229x139mm. Capital spaces with guide letters. Type: 114 R^2 - mixed state, 1st used 1492. 114R - large bold text type - in used in and after 1487. B. di [insert] name most closely assoc. with Savonarole. [end insert] Libri - press - 9 Nov. 1482 [insert] (earliest dated but unsigned) [end insert] - 25 April [insert] painted until 1508. [end insert] 1500. Josephus, Flavius - general and historian. Played a questionable role in the great Jewish war against Rome which broke out in 66 and later became a favorite of the emperors Vespasian, Titus and Domitan. He adopted Vespasian's name, Flavius. He wrote *The Jewish War, a valuable historical document; The Antiquities of the Jews, his greatest work, a history of the Jewish race and his autobiography, The Life.

Bartolommeo di Libri - out of the more than 120 ed. which are now credited to him, only 8 bear his name. Proctor considered that B. di Libri was the actual printer of the Homer attributed to D. Chalcondylas (see #159) who was probably the designer of the Greek fount, which is similar to the Lascaris printed at Milan in 1476. -Josephus' famous and sympathetic account of the Jewish Wars with Rome (67-73 AD) Written only a few years afterward by the Jewish writer and general, it is the only classical text to refer to the lives of [insert] (? a later interpolation) [end insert] Jesus and John the Baptist, and to quote from the Old Testament. -Josephus' writings were much in use in Medieval times and supplied the popular picture of Jewish history. His account of the Jewish war remains a primary source on Roman warfare and the history of the period.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Maria the Elder
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De antiquitate Judaica provides 1st hand information on pre-Christian monastic communities such as Pharisaic, Sadducean and Essene movements. The passage on Jesus calling him the Messiahprobably forged later by a Christian censor. His comprehensive history of the Jews, beings with Creation and progresses up to the War with Rome (66 AD.)

Type 114R^2 - large bold text type. Heavy single [?Qn?]. Small e with shallow loop: 3 forms of Rx. In the later mixed state (114 R2) are found additional heavy separate Q tilted sharply to the right and lighter single [?Qn?]. The large roman type of the Aretinus and the Josephus was only used in his more important books.

Bartolommeo di Libri - as a priest he was doubtless a man of considerable culture. His activity as a printer begins in 1482 and extends into the following century He printed much although like other Florentine printers, he issued together with more voluminous and learned books - he printed even in the Greek languagean especially large number of smaller books in the Italian language. He also did much to make Savonarola's essays and sermans known.

Last edit over 3 years ago by abigailrose
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228 Los Angeles Dawson's Feb. 1986 $50.00 Gritsch, [crossed out] Johannes [end crossed out] Konrad [insert] ? - 1475 [end insert] (fl. 1430) d. ca1410 Quadragesimale. [insert] see #343 [end insert] Augsburg: Johann Wiener, 1477. f^0 Ref: G-492 H.8065 BMCII 357. Cop: HEHL, NewL. UCalBL. letters in text R,L,M - xxii Plate 7 Haebler - type 2 509 leaves. 48^a : 38 lines and headline (sermon - number) 226(231) x132mm. Type 119. Capital spaces. Gothic text type, appears to have [crossed out] been [end crossed out] suspended 120[113] in 1476. It clearly resembles zainen 118 in general appearance.

J. Wiener - 1st dated book - 20 Aug. 1475. Last book - 1479, no book of 1478 is known, and his whole registered output comprises only 12 books. Printed one illustrated book the Vegetius (Goff V-108) Gritsch, an early 15th C Franciscan enjoyed great fame as a popular preacher, and he was renowned because of his knowledge of canon law, philospohy and exigesis.

Type 1 - similar to the Printer of H. Ariminensis As decoration he used about 17mm high contour letters.

HEHL 43361 rubricated in red. / - xlviij, then [?Registrum?]. my leaf just before middle of volume. R7(of 10) -[?Adventdiri?] ....I,K,L,M... sermo vicesimussecundus (total 17 pages) begins Surgens ihs de synagoga itrauit T domu symois [insert] (Simeon) [end insert] luc iiij V C Scdm p astrologi

Last edit over 3 years ago by abigailrose
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229 Los Angeles. Dawson's Feb 1986 $50.00 Paraldus, Gulielmus. (d. c 1260) Summa de virtutibus et vitiis. Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 1479. f0 Ref: P-84 HC 12387 BMCI 261. Plate 44 Haebler Cop: HEHL, LC(T). Pr 1238 and 39. Polain (B)3035 and 3037

432 leaves, the lot and last blank. 10a : 34 lines [insert] see #143 [end insert] and headline, 176 (197)x111mm. Types : 150 headlines and headings; 102, text, 1 to 7 and 9 lines spaces left for capitals. de justicia Section headlines on [illegible] of each leaf with omissions. 150 - used for rubrics, and C. Disappears after 1482 and reappears in 1498. 102 - text type, not used often after 1492. Remarkable for numerous alternative forms of majuscules (4 varieties of C, etc.) 1st dated book of Quentell's press bears date 1479. -most successful of the Cologne printers - he produced some 400 incunabula - was of Strasbourg origin - died 1501. HEHL 92595 De iufticia [insert] (justicia) [end insert] - in sedecim partes (H, to Q1) before - de fortitudine after - de domis my leaf L6 (of 10) rubricated in red and blue.

Last edit over 3 years ago by abigailrose
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