



Status: Needs Review

Dr. Eichenberger
Beinwilam See
135 SF = $67.50
Sept. '86
Bartholomaeus Anglicus (fl. [insert] d. c1260 [end insert] 1230-50) [insert] 1200-1240 [end insert]
Le proprietaire des choses.
Lyons: Mathias Huss, 12 Oct. 1485. f0
Jean Carbichon, t. Pierre Farget, ed. [insert] doctor of theology at the convent of the Augustinians at Lyon. [end insert]
Ref: Goff B-144 HC 2518 GW 3416 BMC VIII 262 Pell 1882
Cop: Br.U.L, [insert] copy 303x223mm [end insert] Lyon B Mun, Paris [insert] R218 [end insert] BN, Basd oB.
Liure XV liii-lvi
a8; a-58; t8; v-2 A-N8 296 leaves, the last blank. 2 col., 3
in table (3b-8b) 20a: 48 lines and headline, 240 (254) x 175 mm.
Types: 180 G, headlines: 100 GB Capital appears, nearly
all with guide letters. The headline read "Prologue" on 1b-3a
and give the numbers and subjects of the books on and after 9a.
(19) Woodcuts. Border on 1b. Proctor Types 2, [insert] large round type [end insert] 5 (2011. = 98mm)
Reprinted from the 1482 ed.
180 G - title and heading type of German pattern. L has 2 small
vertical strokes to the left of the head. In use 1482-93.
100 GB - large text tyep. In use 1484-87.
long batarde f, s, ff, ss and curly tailed h.
(Mathias Huss, 1482-1500)
The 1st book produced by Mathias Huss after taking over the press of
Liskinomen [insert] brother or cousin [end insert] Martinus was the Mirror de la redemption [insert] See #305 [end insert] of
12 [insert] 3rd French ed. [end insert] May 1482. In 1483 Mathias had as successive
partners Petrus Ungarus and Johannes Schabeler who
was still printing with him in July '84. Thence forward to the
end of the period, Mathias printed alone. His last work
-20 Feb. 1500. Probably produced from 80-100 incunabula.

B-147 - 7 April 1487, 282 leaves 50 lines. (Bordeaux 501, Nancy 60)
B-148 - 15 March 1491/92, 224 leaves, 57 [insert] 56 [end insert] lines. (B.Nat) [insert] (Zurich ZB) [end insert]
245 (259) x 172mm Types 140B
Proctor Types 7,8.
title headlines, headings; 87B.
BMC VIII 259 - 12 Nov. 1482 f0 330 leaves, the last blank. 2 col., 3 in table [insert] (3a-8b) [end insert]
17a 46 lines and headline, 244 (259) x175mm Types: 180 G, headlines;
106 GB. Capital spaces, mostly with guide letters. The headlines
-Proctor-Types 1,2

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