Farfel Notebook 03: Leaves 135-222



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J. Schussler, had worked for Mentelin in Strassburg, then set up his presses in Augsburg, issuing dated boks L. Witten Cat. 16 #111 from 1470. In 1473, however, he sold his equipment to the Monastery of SS Ulrich + Afra in that city + henceforth operated as a bookseller + binder. See # 81 Haebler The productivity of the press of the monastery of the Austin friars of SS Ulrich + Afra is still somewhat problematic. The 1st books of 1473 are printed either with Zainer or with Bamler with the monastery press 2 new kinds of types, a roman one + a gothic type. The roman one differs from the usual Italian i.e. hanging serif on the middle stroke of the F, the P, the stem of which descends below the line + the 'a' with its almost gothic shaped eye. -famous monastic press which published books between 1473 + 1476. Kraus Cat. 200 #43 -Rampegollis -flourished during the 2nd 1/2 of the 14th C. His eloquence + persuasiveness were such that he was summoned to the Council of Constance in order to convert the Hussites. The work is a sort of practical guide or handbook to Christian morals, arranged according to subject. Oddly enough, the book was put on the Index on the grounds that it contained quotations from spurious books + misquoted the Bible. Section P has 21 parts mine 7, 8, + 9. Peronissione divina Permissione humana Peruersitate quorundam.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Maria the Elder
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218 Sept '85 Rossignol Paris 320F = $32 [crossed out] Psalter, 15th C, Italy. [end crossed out] (c 1500-1520 30 Book of Hours France - Paris) Well formed Renaissance Roman script Written on thin vellum in a fine humanistic roman minuscule. In Latin, 24 lines per page, with lines fillings. 3 1/2 x 5 3/4". Illuminated capitals, set in blue + red (1 line) backgrounds adorn the leaf. Contains portions of Psalms 37 + 38 of the Biblia Sacra Latina (36 + 37 of the King James version). 1-2 line initial in blue with gold background. 35 4- Judica, Domine. 36 5- Dixit injustus. 37 6- Noli aemulsari. 38 7- Domine, he in fyrore. This psalm, an appeal of the sinner to his Lord, prefigures the commemoration of Christ's sacrifice: "Rebuke me not, O Lord, in thy indignation; nor chastise me in thy wrath. For thy arrows are fastened in me: and thy hand hath been strong upon me." See Maggs Bulletin #17 (73) Written in a well formed Renaissance roman script which closely resembles the roman type developed by Geoffroy Tory. (Similar leaf from a Paris Book of Hours)

Beatus page - from 1st word of 1st Psalm Parchment - sheepskin - Pergamum - made from split skin of the sheep (flesh side) Vellum - calf - "vitulus" - skin is not split into 2 sections - generally from the whole of any skin - has a grain or hair marks - rule marks on hair side. both prepassed with lime.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by cw057318
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219 Sept. '85 Rossignol Paris 280F = $28 Latin Breviary, or pocket missal, end of 13th C, France. 5 x 7 1/8". On Vellum. Written in a Gothic hand, in 2 columns of 30 lines each, with 2 line capitals alternating in red + blue. f. 199

Proprium de tempore. Stephani proto martyris Dec. 26 S. Johannis apostoli et evangelistae Dec 17

The use of papyrus was at its peak in Egypt during the rule of the Ptolemies. The manufacture of papyrus sheets developed before 3000 BC + maintained its supremacy until 500 A.D. Between the 1+7th C papyrus was gradually replaced by parchment + vellum. maximum ht - 47 cm - limited by the length of the stem - horizontal fiber on inside of roll (write on this side) - recto. vertical fibers on outside - verso. Cyperus papyrus - s sedge which grows in stagnant water with all its roots totally submerged (largest member of the family) Until very recently papyrus was extinct in Egypt. Indeed, the plant is not indigenous to Egypt + it flourished there because it was intensively cultivated. Papyrus flourished in Egypt for at least 4000 yrs. At the present time papyrus flourishes in the Sudan, Ethiopia, some parts of N. Africa, Sicily + Syria.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by cw057318
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220 Sept. '85 Rossignol Paris 180 F = $18 Breviary. 14th C. Italy. In Latin, much abbreviated. Written in a Gothic not unda, in 2 columns of 30 lines each, with 2 space capitals in red. 3 7/8 x 6." folio 201 Dnica tartia past pentecostes. oratio. 1 Protcetor i te spatiu deus sine quo nibil e ualidee nibil factu: multiplica nos misericordia tua: ut te rectore te duce sic traseem5 p boa te poralia ut n amittamus etna p. Se d'm lucam 2 In illo tpe. Erat appropiquisted ad iesuz publicani 7 pecatores ut audinent illu. Et relique - sig. ?2 /404 leaves [*] a-c10 d8 e-z Z?8 3 Lectio octava /GW 5101 Venice: Jenson 1478. Sed aliud e qd' agit type type syonie: aliud qd' zelo discipline. Dedignast 7 eim sed no dedignates despat. No despantes pseutione comouet: sz amates. Quia 7 si foris icrepatoez p disciplinam exaggerat: itus tn dulcedine p caritatem seruat. 4 Omelia sacti gregorii pape. Lectio septima Estiun tepus qd' corpi meo nalde 5 - Auditis in lectioe evangelica fres mei: qr pecatores 7 publicani accessecut ad redempto rem num 7 no folu Breviary - the book of daily Devine Office. 1) Calendar 2) Psalter 3) Proprium de Tempore 4) " de Sanctis (collects, etc. for Saints Days) 5) Commune Sarnctorum (collects, etx. for Saints without special servives) 6) Hours of the Virgin burial services, etc. ie Small Offices 4 ad colloque du: sed et al c ues cendu recepti sut. Qd' videntes pharisei degignati st' Exqua re colligit: qr vere iusticia 7 passionex hz: falso 5 Ad mag a Exicito T plateas 7 uicos civitatis: 7 paypes ac debiles: cecos 7 claudos c pellei terave ut T pleat domus mea all.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by cw057318
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221 Sept. '85 Rossignol Paris 450F = $45 Vernacular work?, 15th C, Northern France. (c 1480) medieval Vellum, Gothic hand, 30 lines in "vieux francais." The capitals + line fillings are painted in blue + rose with white lining + illuminated gold. Small decoration on inner margin on verso, consists of tendrils with foliage in gold and 2 flowers in red + blue. 5 3/8 x 8 1/8".

French liturgical manuscripts in the vernacular are extremely rare 8 mostly belong to the high renaissance. Often they were made for women. Translations into Dutch + even English are comparatively common. Sometimes the Calendars of Books of Hours are in French + various well known prayers, but evidently the Office of the Virgin itself, like the Canon of the Mass, was generally considered too holy for the common language. -Sept Rquetes -Quinze Joyes

Last edit almost 2 years ago by cw057318
Displaying pages 176 - 180 of 193 in total