Farfel Notebook 02: Leaves 065-134



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May '82 (132) Beinwil amSee Dr Eichenberger 130 SF = $67.36

Gart der Gesundheit (Hortus Sanitatis ) German. Augsburg : JohannSchonsperger . 22 Aug 1485 fo Goff G.98 , H. 8949 , BMCII 365 , Early Herbals 23. 2nd edition Cop PML , New L. MMu (P) L (colored) p. my leaf 242 p.235 Hij 38 liones , 370 leaves , The last blank . 226x151-2mm. - signatures. Type 120 Woodcut O (39 x 38 mm) on 2a. spaces left elswhere. with woodcuts (painted in several colors ) The woodcuts are copies of Schoeffer's cuts , but mostly reversed & somewhat smaller. a - z A-VTV8X10 woodcuts & ( text ) (290 x 201 mm Capitulum cccv - Paritaria. day & night. creeping cinquefoil parsley ccciiii Petrosilinum (petersilgen). cccvi pentasilcu ( funff vingerkraut) (text only) W. L. Schreiber - but as mean while Grueninger in Strassburg had published an ed . - smaller pictures Schonsperger also had new blocks cut of a smaller size for his ed. of 1486 & used them again in the ed. of 1487,88,93 ,96 & 99. Text, 435 numbered chapters Gerard (T. Johnson) 1633 p.331 Chapt. 50 - Of Pellitorie of the wall. called Parietaria , Muralis , Perdicium , Tag und nacht. it groweth near to old walls in the moist corners of churches & stone buildings - round tender stalkes somewhat brown or reddish of colour - the root is somewhat reddish . "boyled , & the decoction of it drunken, helpeth such as are vexed - an old cough , the gravell & stone , & is good against the difficultie of making water , & stopping of the same , not onely in wardly but also out wardly applied on the region of the bladder, Dioscorides saith , that the iuyce tempered - white lead (ceruse) makes a good ointment against St. Anthonies fire & the shingles." For many centuries it has been included in pharmacopoeios for its demulcent properties. It contains abundant Knitrate & is diuretic & refrigerant. It helps diseases of the bladder & kidneys & is good for certain kinds of dropsy. Early face

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creams contained pallitory, + it was believed to "comfort the body"

Type 120: German text type, used from 1482 to 1488. At the onset this type possesses only a single form of each majuscule but by Oct 1482, alternative forms of A Q I M S Z have been added.

Gart der Gesundheit Augsberg, J. Schonaburger, 15 Dec 1488. BMC II p 366. 262 leaces, the last blank 2 col. 42 lines 204x130mm Types: 140 title + headings 96 text. [a]4; a-v wx-z A-D8 E6 F8 GH6 I8 Type 140: Title type, in use in 1488-9, perhaps passed on to Schobsser in the latter year. 96: German text type, used from 1485 to 1493. Variants fewer at first, but later several forms of A C D E M N O S W are found as well as Lombard capitals of a different font. (C smoeth)

Type 105 - German text type used from 1495 onwards, in conjunction with 150. Indistinguishable from Schaun (2nd press) 104 + Zeissenmain 105 except to the dentated C with upper serif overhanging used by Schonsperger. 150 - title type, had superseded the preceding type (140) by 1491 + remained in continuous use. - After the 1487 ed. the paper was thinner + of poorer quality.

Nissen - The figures have been copied in fall size (from Schoffer), some of them right sided the majority reversed, many of them subsequently shortened. 1486-1502 - a ed. by Schonoberger.

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133 May '82 Mein wil am see Dr Eichenberger 85 SF = $44.04

Etymologicum Magnum Graccum (Ed. Marcus Musurus) Venice: Zacherias Callierges for Nicolaus Blastus + Anna Notaros. 8 July 1499. F" Ref: HC 6691 BMC V 580 GW9426 Goff E112 Eseling 1184. Cop: Stan UL, HEHL. PML Pell 4629 folio p 100 NB 409x279mm 224 leaves, 2 col. 50-51 lines, 302x183(187)mm. Type:121 Gk. Red printed woodcut capitals + borders, headings and initial capitals of paragraphs (set out). The poem of Muscures on 1a which deals with the technicalities oof type casting is dicussed at length in Proctors Printing of Greek in the 15th C. opp121-4 23 woodcut head-pieces Cursive text type, delicate + regular, small face with accents, breahings, ligature + contractions. The capitals are in the Byzantine style + one tall + thin.

(ca. 1473-1524) Zacharias Callierges from Rethymno. for Nicolaus Blastus - this press produced in 1499+1500, 4 Greek books beginning with the Etymologicum. - a fomidable rival of Aldus - a Creator of aristocratic connetions, all of whose work in the 15th C was done on commission for a wealthy fellow contryman, the book seller N. Blastus. Like Aldus the partners had devoted 5 yrs. to perfecting their Greek type before putting it into practical use in the Etymologicum - very fine Greek Type, in one piece with its accents, + setting the found quite apart from all those cast on the Aldine principle with separate accuntuation. Unfortunately some mischance, most probably the death of his patron put a stop to the activities of Callierges just before the close of the century + he does not appear in the history of printing until 1509 at Venice + at Rome in 1515-23. The press of Callierges was the last of any consequence to be established in Venice before the close of the century.

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Although the earliest standard Greek Types to be introduced did not make their appearance until 1495, the 1st attempts to represent Greek characters with moveable tykpes go back 30 years earlier, occurring in the year 1465 both in Germany + in Italy. (P. Schoeffer, C. Sweyndeym + A. Pamnartz) For a decade after 1463 Greek printing was confined to types of subsidiary class, no continuous Greek text being attempted. Germany drops out of the running altogether + Italian printers have the field practically to themselves, continuing in this position for 2 generations + more, (Rome + Venice) The 1st preparations for the production of continuous Greek texts date from round about the year 1475. They were inspired by the activities of the numerous band of Greek literati, chiefly among them Demetrius Chalcondylas, Constantine + John Lascaius + Marcus Musurus, who were teaching in Italy on the crest of a wave of Hellinic entusiasm. The Greek fonts (4) intoduced successively by Aldus are in descending order of size. Z. Callieger - whose Type is an upright, evenly cut cursive with letter + accent cast in one piece from specifically contrived matrius - Trespass on the Aldine privilege being thus avoided on both counts. As a cursive, it is immensely superior to the 2nd Aldine, with which it approximately ranges. -was the last + in many respects the most eminent of the Greek printers in the 15th C. His work falls into 3 very distinct periods. His great period which lasted only 2 yrs 1498+1500 was due to teh enterprise + good taste of his fellow countrymen N. Blastos.

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Z . Callierges - as a printer of Greek , his achievements are 2nd only to Aldus M. As an engraver of Greek type he was in a class by himself. - woodcut headpieces (3 woodblocks in 12, 10 & 1 impressions) one to each section (23) except 10 line & 5 line woodcut initials. The largest of the existing medieval Greek dictionaries & a typical example of the scholarship of the medieval Byzantines . Kallierges's first production. Editor . printer & publisher were Cretans & the Etymologicum was an all Greek enterprise . Stanford A , B, C , A , E - begins folio 80 - 109 , Z , etc. A P X H T O Y E C T O I X E O Y my leaf is folio 100. N(?) , NB , Nr , N(?) of 8. - "on the artistic aspect of these books (4 by Kallierges) all writers are agreed that for the splendour of their ornamentation & the beauty of their press work , they stand, in the very forefront of all books yet printed." - 1st production from the 1st press of Zacharias Kallierges The editor , printer & publisher were all natives of Grete. The work begins - a poem & preface by Musurus, the latter describing the gestatory period & production of the type.

Last edit about 3 years ago by Etenferl
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