128 Feb. '82 J.S. Edgren, Carmel $55
Ta po-jo po-lo-mi-to ching. Ch. 81 Korean edition of Buddhist sutra. Woodblocks carved 1237 at Harinsa Temple, slightly later printing from original blocks, + folio matted. Format: 6 columns of 14 characters to the page +23 (24 5) colums to the sheet (each shut consisting of 4 pages 2 being folded 3 times.) (Scroll) Border: single, 50.5x23cm. 81= (?) -
The Second Korea Edition (1236-51) On the rt margin of each sheet were printed the title of the text, the chapter number, the sheet number, + the character from the "Thousand Character Classic" designating the number of the wrapper. In this ed. the word "shut" was rendered by the character chang (Japanese, cho, "stretch") The art consisted 1524 works 6558 chusn, divided into 628 wrappers. Sheet - Chang (?) (cho)
p. 18 - Printed on yellow paper, ying-husng chih, on paper theated with yellow dye from the from the inner bark of Phellodandron amurense -each sheet was glued to the (overlapping) preceding sheet to form a chusn or scroll edition width of sheet height of text N Sung ca 52 cm 22.4cm Korean B ca 56.8cm - Sou-ch'i 56cm ca 25cm Diamond Sutra - Ska. Mahaprajnaparamita - sutra a work in 600 chapters on the nature of projna or wisdom; one of the most important metaphysical texts of early Mahayana Buddhism
Various Buddhist Canons published in China or abroad during the Sung period. (960-1279) 1)The 1st Korean ed. 1020/21-1099 *2)The 2nd " ed. 1236-1251 3)The Khitan ed. (1031-1050) 4) The Chin ed. Shansi (1141-1189) *5) The Tung - Ch'an -Ssu ed. (Fu-Chou A; 1080-1112 + later) 6) THe K'ai - Yuan Ch'an - Ssu ed. (Fu-Chou B, 112-1151 + later *7) The Ssu-chi ed. Chakiang; begun in 1132. 8) The Chi-Sha ed Kiang su; 1231-1363 The Book S.C McMurtrie p. 93 The art of block printing spread into Korea + Japan + also westward in Asia. But it met in the Mohammedan would, which lay between Asia + Europe, a seemingly impenetrable barrier. Islam, in marked contrast to Buddhism, was uncompromisingly opposed to the reduplication of its sacred writings throuth the medium of print. The reason for this opposition is not clear, but in all probability it was simply religious conservatism. The Korean had been given to the Moslems in writing form, + writing therefore, was the only means by which it might ever be transmitted. To this day teh Koran has never been printed from Type in any. Mohammadan counting; it is always reproduced by lithography. -The Chinese provence of Szechuen (then known as Shu) was evidently the center of early (883) printing activities in China. Japan - printing with vocable types was indtroduced from Korea + Macao almost simultaneously in 1590. form at least the 9th C onward wood blocks - pear wood -Until 972 the Chinese Canon was preserved in MSS only.
Korea 1) Neolithic Bronze age. Iron age. 2) 3 Kingdoms period 57BC - 668 AD 3) Unified Silla Dynasty 668 - 918 AD 4) Korye Dynasty 918 - 1392 AD 5) Chosen " 1392 - 1910 AD 6) Modern 1910 - present. The Koryo dynasty which followed the Unified Silla was also devoutly Buddhist & its art was inspired by & connected to Buddhism . An enduring symbol of Koryo Buddhism survives in the form of over 50,000 woodblocks containing a complete set of buddist sutras stored in the Haein - sa monastery.
129 May '82 Libon, Biblarte 71 Sao Pedro De Alcantara 2000$=$28.99
Manuscript - Tresaldo da conta que o Cabido de Coimbra pediu a El Rei (D. Joao III) sobre a Ermida de Santo Antonio. Coimbra, 9 de Julno de 1539. Sem assin.
invitation to Portufal M. J. Kempner p. 111 914.6094 (Sarutoga) Between Celss + Coimbra, the small church of Santo Antonio dos Olivais sits at the top of a toy-like set of monumental pilgrimage stairs. It was here that Santo Antonio entered the Franciscan order + so quite naturally the interior of the church is decorated with azulejos recounting anecdotes in his life. The scarsity which one enters from outside the church on the left has 18th C tempera panels pertaining to the saint. (St. Anthony - feast - June 13th.) p. 99 Along with the Sorbonne, Bologna founded in the 13th C by King Diniz, Queen Isabella's husband. Originally Lisbon - based, the university was repeatedly shifted back to the austirety of Coimbra as a result of student riots. Finally it put down permanent roots here in 1537, first in the Mosteiro de Santa cruz, + 3 years later in a portion of Joao III'splace, where its most noble hall remains to this day. Henry the Navigator endowed chains of theology, natural philosophy + morals; medicine was one of the earliest disciplines. -church of S. Antonio - rebuilt in the 15th C - all that remains of the friary founded here in the 13th C. Hous of Avis. Joao III (1521-57.) Caterina of Spain. -1536 the Inquisition was introduced into Portugal. -Coimbra - the nations 2nd captial after Guimeraius + before Lisbon. -Sainted Queen Isabella of Portugal - buried at Coimbra.