Gloss came to have the increasingly specialized meaning of a
short comment inserted into the margin or between the
lines of text or of a collection of glosses of this kind.
Postilla - appears in the 13th C & normally means a
commentary which originated in the classroom , but can be
used more widely .
A collectar contains the Collects or prayers , & the
chapters along - subsidiary matter depending much upon
the date & place which a particular manuscript might have
been written . Unlike Missals & psatlers no standard text.
of the collector seems to have been established & by
The 14th C the more useful elements were absorbed by
The Braving or one of the other liturgic books.
ideogram - phonogram - syllabic
hieratic - phoenician - athenian / 403 BC)
read - pointed
broad pen - l of pen 90' Hebrew
( gives thick horizontal)
look at the white spaces 30' to horizontal -
for beauty not the black gives thin horizontal line
10' - Book of Kells ( Insular)
A folio is a book printed on sheets of paper that are folded
once before being bound
Twice " " " - quarto.
All solemn papal letters were called bulls because
they were closed - a seal or "bulla" . In time the term
bulla extended from the seal to the papal degree itself
"Litterae notabiliores" began each line - as of ten in
manuscripts of poetry. A------
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