Cuneform {inserted]Latin word for wedge - cuneus[end inserted] - oldest of all known systems for writing - conceived
& developed in S. Babylonia or Sumer
In addition to Hieroglyphs the Egyptians employed 2
other scripts both descended from Hieroglyphs , called
by the Greeks hieratic (priestly) & demotic (peoples)
- always written from rt. to left in contrast to
Hieroglyphics which could be written in either direction
The Alphabet
1) Egyptian hieroglyphs
2) Semitic alphabet - 1st dev. between 2000 & 1500 BC
area of Syria - Palestine
3) Greek & Roman / standard Babylonian , a
/ literary dialect of Akkadian , a Semitic language
Canon tables - found in most early copies of the gospels
a system devised in the 4th C for locating parallel
passages in the 4 Gospels.
AD 980.
Gospel lectionary - contains the Lessons for each day from
Easter to Pentecost , but only the Lessons for Sat. & Sun.
for the rest of the year . It also has the lessons for the
festivals & commemorations of the saints for the
Byzantine civil year , beginning on 1st Sept.
Maggs Cat. - 1928 | Gutenberg Bible leaf 52L 10S |
Catholican leaf 65L |
Anti phonals - chants for Devine Office - primarily verses
from the psalms & Gospels called , antiphons.
The illumination of manuscripts had been practiced in
Pharaonic & Ptolemaic Egypt & had passed thence to
Hellenistic Greece & Rome.
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