25 Jan. '82
Horace Beatae Mariae Virginis (Livre d'Heures)
? Pigouchet Paris: Gillet Hardouyn (about) um 1518. - printed on vellum
inl lettre batarde, 40, 22 lines 4 1/4x6 7/8 folio p. 44
Metal decorative + pietoral borders (118x175mm) Ruled.
Psalm 125: Qui confident.
124 (4) (3) Benedictus Dominus
Liquid-gold initials on
alternate red + blue grounds.
The invention of printing, wich is often claimed to have
killed the art fo illumination, increased rather than
decreased the vogue for Books of Hours. But it was
in the form of printed editions that they achieved
their widest diffusion during the 16th C.
20 lines = 95-6mm.
Outer formes printed on the flesh-side, inner formes on the
hair-side of the vellum sheets.
-The most extensice development of the manuscript
tradition of border illustration is seen in the historisted
+ decorated wood block borders of French Book of Hours
prited at the end of the 15th + the beginning of the 16th C
Since the series of illustrations for the major text divisions
allowed little variation of subject matter, printers +
publishers used the borders as a means of making
thier work more individual, adding much new
imagery, both sacred + profane.
The Herdouyn house published books of Hours from 1497-
1538 + became known for its delicate + artful illumination.
end 1/3 third of Hours end of ad Sextam - Deus in adiutorium meum intende
before Nonam (Same)
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