May '80
Madligen - Schwab
60 SF = $36.80 (1.63)
Ptolemaeus, Claudius (with 100= c. 178) (LI) Book II Chapt. 9 + 10 5th ed. See #39
(8 books) cosmographia. (Tr: Jacobus Angelius)
(Ed. Nicolaus Germamus) Registrum. De locis ac mirabilibus mundi.
Ulm: Johann Reger, for Justus de Albano
21 July 1486. - folio
Goff P-1085 HC 13540 BMC II 540 Schr 5032 Sabin 66473 Philips Atlases
Cop HEHL, NYPL. (421x284mm) [43.5 cm Rosenwald Collection Goff p 1084]
140 leaves initials colored in red, green, pale yellow + brown Initials - colored in red. gree, brown, pale yellow
2 columns. 44 lines + headline, 308(321)x197mm Type 140
Maiblumen capitals - double line frame about 41x41mm
- copies of those in Holle's Ptolemy.
This edition is a page for page reprint of Holle's (roman gothic transtitional letter) 1482 ed.
as far as the recto of leaf 12 (b2) The remainder of the
text of Ptolemy occupies slightly more space + the list
of prouinciae seu safrapiae is appended to it, whereas
Holle inserted it at the end of the maps. The maps (32)
are those of Holle's en. . but have been supplied with
woodcut headlines + the borders to the text on the reverse are omitted.
Cosmographia - more than 40 manuscript copies are known. (in both Latin + Greek)
Ptolemaeus, Claudius Cosmographia (Tr: J. Angelus)
Ed: Nicolaus Germanus
Ulm: Lienhart Holle, 16 July 1482. f.^0 (418x276mm vellum copy)
Goff P1084 HC 13539 BMC II 538
2 col. 44 lines, 305x197mm, Type 140, Maiblumen
{later served as a mdel for the 2nd special type cut for the Ashendene Press knwon as teh Ptolemy type} (large text type - almost Roman)
used in 1486 to print the Ptolemy + afterwards (1496, 1499)
in small quantities as heading type. Previously employed
in Holle'e 1482 Ptolemy.
Liienhart Holle is knwon to have pritned in 1482-4. Bender Rm 016.91 S844
Hemy N. Stevens - Ptolemy's Geography - a breif account of all ed. down to 1730
Edward L. Stevenson - a translation Rare Book G 87 P 83 S7 1932f
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