Farfel Notebook 01: Leaves 001-064





May 1480 both concerns were amalgamated under the title "J. de Colonia et Nicolaus Jenson et socii." John of Cologne was the successor in 1474 to the business of Wendelin of Speyer, and John Manthen was John of Cologne's partner until 1480, during which period they printed many works.

Opus restitutionum An interesting work on canon law which throws much light on the medieval attitude about everyday life. -an important + frequently printed treatise on Canon Law.

The printers J. de Colonia + J. Manthen were sucessors to V. de Spira, a German compatriot of theirs who was probably forced to yield his interest in the business as a result of the financial crisis in the Venetian book trade which took place in 1473. The 2 new partners were businessmen with no special qualifications either as printers or scholars.* -contains chapters of medical interest - "Quid de medico imperito ex cuius culpa moritur infuimus? De restitutione medicorum." There are also sections relating to trade. Francesco Platea (Piazzi) a theologian from Bologna - a Dominican. - one of the earliest products, the 1st work in Gothic type with full date, issued by the partnership of J. Colonia + J. Manthen.

PLA volutionnaires, lui valut une grande popularite. Il fut alors nomme membre de la seconde chambre des etats generaux, ou il se rangea du parti de l'opposition, et vota d'abord pour l'abolition de la traite des negres, puis contre le projet de loi sur le recrutement et contre le budget. Mais les fatigues du system representatif altererent bientot sa sante. Il donna sa demission en 1819. L'envoi qu'il en fit aux etats de sa province fut a la seconde chambre l'objet d'une longue discussion, mais on finit par reconnaitre la legalite de la marche qu'il avait suivie, et il alla vivre en paix dans ses terres. Il mourut a Louvain en 1821 et fut enterre en grande pompe. M - Dj. PLAT ou PLAET (Josse Le). Voyez Leplat. PLATEA (FRANCOIS PIAZZA, plus connu sous le nom latin de), celebre canoniste, naquit a Bologne vers la fin du 14 siecle. Apres avoir acheve es cours de jurisprudence, il recut le laurier doctoral et fut honore de divers emplois. Il avait plus de trente ans lorsqu'en 1424 il embrassa a regle des freres mineurs ou cordeliers. Peu de temps apres il prit ses grades en theologie. Ses talents comme predicateur ayant etendu sa reputation dans toute l'Italie, le pape Eugene IV le chargea de recueillir les aumones des fideles, qui devaient etre employees a soutenir la guerre contre les Turcs. Il mourut a Bologne en 1460 et fut inhume dans l'eglise de St. Paul du Mont. Ses traites de droit canonique, consultes longtemps par les jurisconsultes, ont ete reunis sous ce titre : Opus restitutionum usurarum, et excommunicationum. La premiere edition, Venise, 1472, in 4, est encore tres-recherchee, a raison de sa date; celies de Padoue, 1473, et de Cologne, 1474, toutes deux in-folio, sont egalement rares. La Serna Santander en a donne la description dans la Bibliotheque choisie du 15 siecle. Pour les suivantes, on peut consulter Panzer, Annal typograph. Orlandi cite encore (Scrittori Bolognesi, p. 107) comme imprimes divers ouvrages de Platea : des sermons, un traite du mariage, et Summa mysteriorum christianae fidei, mais l'edition qu'il indique de ce dernier ouvrage, Padoue, 1473, est evidemment imaginaire. W-s. PLATEL, Voyez NORBERT.

Last edit over 1 year ago by cw057318


HEHL rubricated in orange -> 242 Q - folio 60 my leaf -> end first 1/3 of the book 239 to 245 De restitutione edificantie in celieno solo de sua mat'ia 7 aliis multis casib

- a treatise on moral thology dealing to excommunication usury & restitution. These last 2 subjects are intimately related because someone guilty of usury was bound to the restitution of the usurious interest before he could be forgiven (the guilt was even passed on to his heirs if they inherited the money of the deceased.)

22 Jan 1477 Goff P-758 HCR 13040 Pr 4312A BMCV 227 Copy HEHL, BMawCL (151x105mm) (94901) rub. in red+blue - my leaf e8 (of 10) in this ed. Catchwords [crossed out] every leaf + marginal paragraph [end inserted] on last page of most quires. page for page reprint og 1474 except for the table.

Platea - only 1 other work by him is known De actu matrimonali, which according to Höfer was preserved in MSS form in Leipzig

Last edit over 1 year ago by cw057318


26 Nov '75 Rosenthal $30-

-Parchment Sententiarum Libri tres Renaissance MS leaf - Italy = 15th Century (early) first half. ?Florence Isidorus, [crossed out] Etymologiae (iarium libri XX) [end crossed out] Mixed - rounded Gothic script with some humanistic qualities folio 56

Liber (Book) tercius (three) - headings - Catholic Encyclopedia Isidore's Etymologiae - principal & longest work - an encyclopedia of all secular & religious knowledge accessible in the 7th Century

- enjoyed an extraordinary vogue during the Middle Ages - completed See #22 #95 623 - first work to contain a printed oray of the known world

- Giovanni Balbi's Catholicon - strongly influenced by the Etymologiae - Isidorus quotus in it from 154 authors - it is divided into 20 books

ppl'i = populi qu- = quando qd' = quod q3 - quis que qi = que

apo9 = apostolus g2 = igitur g0 = ergo x2 = Christi #20 at = aut eet = esset qu = qusestio uo = vero b1 = bus u2 = ubi

Column I line 9,33-de (fusion) L. 20,21-d L. 36-ct L. 13,14,17,18-de L. 6,11 a L. 34 o L. 37 e L. 38 et (and) L. 27, 28 2 (r)

Column II line 3, 5, 6-de L. 16 long S L. 31 ae L. 34 a L. 1+2 g (lowervase g) L. 6 a (single bodied a) Capl'3 = Caplm = Ca = Capitulum Chapters 52, 53, 54, 55

IVAum Principes Ad NEminem

L T liber tercius Incipit - liber - Tacivs - De vocabulo - Arithmetica - Discipline Capitula Libri de ecel'ia = ecclasia

folio 42+49 of Book 3 1989 $225 Dawsons "around mid 15th C in a Humanistic minuscule which, however still betrays much Gothic influence. -from a "Liber Tertius" of what appears to be a text on Christian ethics" The Chapter headings are deals with reading Cap VIII - De Lectione deals with the habit of reading 9 - De assiduitate legendi 8. De dilectione 29 De fictis amicitiis 30 de amicicia munereorta 31 De malorum concordia 32 De Correptionie farterna. (funa)

Last edit over 1 year ago by cw057318


1) Pointed Text 2) Rounded - (sans serif) Morison 3) Fere Humanistica 4) Bastard 5) Mixed

never used by scribes in France or England & very seldom in Germany, though it prevailed in Italy to the almost complete exclusion of pointed text.

- 8 from 8 is almost invariable (as opposed to the lower case q) present in a fere humanistica

- a - an important test letter - in formal pointed text or round text & in fere humanistica, B appears as a double bodied character - single bodied a -> bastard (Schwabacher)

- however various & free they become Bastard foente invariably employed the single bodied a; it is to be noted that the 1st humanistic 'italic' to all its successors in the humanistic founts, also deserted the double bodied famous characteristic of the 'roman' fount.

15th C France - 4 designs - border illuminations

1) floriated - where flowers & birds are painted in natural arrangement.

2) ivy leaf - when stems are found, thin or thick, throwing out ivy leaves of gold or other color to some tendrils

3) like & leaf - where the stem is a hair like only, bid still enters into the design as an integral part, the icanses being as in the preceding style.

4) geometrical - in which the whole branch is divided into pieces by symmetrical lines, each piece being separately filled up to ornament.

This fine bookhand was a revival of the characters used in the scriptoriums founded by Charlemagne around the year 800 & became the inspiration for the 1st roman type of the 15th C. printers.

Last edit over 1 year ago by cw057318



Rare Book - Ref. Z 237 B 85 Charles M. Briquet - Les fili Granes - 1923 Vol 1-4 TS 1090 A94 David Hunter - papermaking - 1943 - Alfred Knopf, N.Y. $4.50 TS 1080 P12 V.2 Guest - The Briquet Album - a miscellany in watermarks

1276 A.D. - 1st mention of the Fabrians, Italy papermills 1282 - watermarks used in Europe for the 1st time. They consisted of simple crosses & circles (Italy) 1293 - 1st paper mill in Bologna, Italy. 1482 - Venetian paper makers separated the initials of the papermakers from the device or symbol of the watermark.

German - Wasserzeichen, French - filigrame, Dutch - papiermerker

- for tracing definitely the dates of paper, or the exact localitus of certain mills, the marks should not be relied upon inplicitly.

- these emblems were sometimes places in the center of the sheets, or where the paper was folded in folio book printing, but it is more usual to find 2 symbols or designs each appearing in the middle of the half sheet of paper.

- some 15C works contain a dozen or more different papermarks in a single book.

4 clases

1) earliest - simplest kind - crosses, ovals, circles, knots, triangles, hill symbols, pommée crosses. 14C Italian -> circle surmounted by a patriarchal or papal cross

2) man & the works of man -> tools, ships, keys, scales eti.e. mark of the hand.

3) flowers, trees, leaves, vegetables, grain, plants & fruits

4) wild, domesticated & legendary animals paper used by Caxton bulls [inserted] unicorn [end inserted] head - appeared in 1310 the ox paper of Coverdales Bible 1536

papermaking - the method was the same in all European countries - a mould to thin brass wines supported by chain wines at wider intervals

Last edit over 1 year ago by cw057318
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