$15.00 March 75
[inserted] The book of highest artistic recognition issued by Koberger. [end inserted] Der Schatzbchalter[inserted] (or Treasure Chest) - Stephan Fridolin (d.1498) [end inserted] 8 Nov 1491 German
ref H.C. 14507 = H. 6236 (e iiij)
Hain, repertorium und Copinger Supplement
Polain (B) 1521 Proctor 2070 (Treasury or Shrine of the True Riches of Holiness + Eternal Happiness)
Der Schreinoder Schatzbehalter der
Wahren Reichtumer des Heils
Types 10 - German text type (Gothic)
Types 11 - large German "
Goff S - 306 - the finest production of Koberger
[inserted] Anton Koberger (Nuremberg) (1445-1513) Complex devotional work organized around the Passion story [end inserted] copy - Huntington - a religious treatise - very popular in the Middle Ages
Cat. Brit M Vol. II p. 434 - Stephan, Pater, Schatzbuhalter .du Schrein
der Wahren Reichtumer des Heils und
ewiger Scligkeit
354 leaves the 1st + last blank
2 columns 40 lines + headline 241(255)x
Types 162 headlines (subjects) 154 mm
1st heading in each book ; 120 text type
Capital spaces , mostly with gnido letters
[inserted] a large running
head is used over
the right hand
page. Rubris +
large illuminated
letters were put in
by hand.
96 full page illust.
from 91 blocks
- subjects from the Bible settled at Nuremberg shortly after 1470. [end inserted] With full page wood cuts by Michael Wolgemuth
- [crossed out] Wilhelm Pleydenwenff [end crossed out]
June 24
from Putman Anthoni Koberger (the elder) born about 1440 died Oct 3 1513.
[inserted] his name appears for 1st time in a book [end turn] - Albert Durer had served as godfather for Koberger + his eldest son
was apprenticed to Durer.
- 1473 issued the 1st volume? [inserted 1st dated Nov. '72, Akinous, Disciplinarum Platonis Epitome [end inserted] - Thomas de Aquino
- active as publisher until 1513. (BMC " continued to print till at least 1504")
- 236 separate works - nearly all in large octavo or quarto form.
- 15 issues of the Scriptures - his imprint appears upon but 3
publications in German - earliest fonts inspired by Johann Sensenschmidt
- 1483 the year in which Luther was born Koberger published
his German Bible.
- firm was continued until 1540, 1st by his nephew Johannes +
later by his sons Anthoni + Melchior (1513-40) 53 works
were added. Between 147 + 1500 Koberger produced 156 books.
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