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Status: Needs Review

[margin] Extracts
15th May, 1958.

Dear Mr. Scarfe,

I am so pleased that you have seen the notice about our D-Day
project, and I am most grateful to you for getting in touch with
us so promptly.

Our book is to be written by Mr. Cornelius Ryan, a former
War Correspondent. Mr. Ryan is at present in Paris, interviewing
French civilians and REsistance workers who were in Normandy during
the first hours of the INvasion. He is returning to England
shortly, when he hopes to be able to talk to men and women of the
British Forces about their D-Day experiences. In the meantime,
it would be a great help to me in planning interviews and itineraries
if you would very kindly complete and return the enclosed uestionnaire
as soon as you possibly can. A stamped and addressed envelope is
attached for your use.

Thank you for telling us aobut "Assault Division". I have
read at least forty volumes describing the D-Day Invasion, but none
has really given an adequate account of it, so I will most certainly
get a copy of your book.

Yours sincerely,

(Joan Ogle Isaacs)
Research Editor

N. Scarfe, Esq.,
2 Lancaster Road,


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