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The Reader's Digest T H E R E A D E R'S D I G E S T A S S O C I A T I O N LIMI T E D T E L E P H O N E: C I T Y 4 3 4 2 7 O L D B A I L E Y L O N D O N E C 4 Cables: READIGEST,LONDON
Lt. Col. Hardie was in charge of the 90th Field Regiment which landed in support of the Dorsets on Gold Beach.
Hardie, a typical British Officer and slightly pompous, is included here only because he noticed precisely nothing as he was landing except that: "There was a bit of stuff coming down. Didn't hang around you know.” That was the understatement of the entire interview.
He had some difficulty passing through a swamp after they crossed the beaches but otherwise nothing much happened to him throughout that day.
Refer to the papers and notes made on him. But that is all that occured at the interview worth noting here.
D E WI T T WA L L A C E , U. S. A . L I L A B E L L WA L L A C E , U. S A. L U C I U S F. C R A N E T. G M.H A R M A N, MA N A G I N G D I R E C T O R .
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Lt. Col Hardie 90 Field Regt in support of Dorset Brig Sir Alexander Standier 231 Brigade Maj Gen Phillips
"Three Assault Landings by Lt Col AEC Bredin DSO. M.C Gate & Polden Ltd
The swamp which held them up
"History of the Bayeux Tapestry" Lindhurst, New Forest - Brockenhurst 50 Div. Barten Comm
R. H. Senior, Territorial - Chairman Port of London
"The Path of the 50th" Aldershot - Gate & Polden Ltd
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Lt Col 1. Hardie DSO 15, OFFICERS' MARRIED QUARTERS, JOINT SERVICES STAFF COLLEGE, LATIMER, CHESHAM, BUCKS. TEL. AMERSHAM 1849 21 May 58 stamped: 28MAY1958 Box B 1084 The Times London E.C. 4 Dear Sir, Reference your notice in the Personal Column: I may be of some use to you. I commanded a Field Regt in 50 Div and landed- at about 0740 hrswith 1 Dorset. In the afternoon I moved over to support 151 Bde you have probably read Lt Col AEC Bredin's "Three Assault Landings"? Depending upon the nature of your book, I suppose I shall have to ask for your credentials. I am still in touch with my surviving Battery and Troop Commanders. Yours faithfully [?] Hardie
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28th May, 1958 Lt. Colonel I. Hardie, D.S.O. 15, Officers' Married Quarters, Joint Services Staff College, Latimer, Chesham, Bucks.
Dear Colonel Hardie,
I am so pleased that you have seen the notice about our D-Day project, and I am most grateful to you for getting in touch with us so promptly.
Our book is to be written by Mr. Cornelius Ryan, a former war correspondent. Mr. Ryan is at present in Paris, interviewing French civilians and resistance workers who were in Normandy during the first hours of the Invasion. He is returning to England shortly, when he hopes to be able to talk to men and women of the British Forces about their D-Day experiences. I am sure Mr. Ryan would like to have more details of your Regiment's activities, so may I get in touch with you again when he is back in London?
Yours sincerely,
(Joan Ogle Isaacs) Research Editor