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Status: Complete

April 13, 1959

Col. Edward C. Dunn
U. S. Army Command and General Staff College
Fort Leavenworth

Dear Colonel Dunn:

We last wrote you in June asking you to fill out a question-
naire in connection with a book on D-Day which is being pre-
pared by Mr. Ryan for publication in the Reader 's Digest in
book form.

Due to the overwhelming response to this request, we have
been deluged with material and have not had a chance to write
to each and everyone as yet. However, we do want to thank
you for being patient with us and to tell you how deeply
grateful we are for your cooperation in sending us your ques-

In order for us to edit your material for use in the book, it
will be necessary for us to have your signature on the attached
release, which we would thank you to return in the enclosed
self-addressed envelope.

Again many thanks for your help.


for Cornelius Ryan


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