Cornelius Ryan WWII papers, box 017, folder 07: Jerome J. McCabe



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Dear Mr. Ryan, I understand you are interested in information from the military who participated in combat operations on 6 June 1944. I flew a couple of missions in Normandy on that date as a Sqdn Comdr in fighter aircraft. J.J. McCABE Colonel, U.S.A.F. HQ CADF Richards- Gebaur A.F.B. Grandview, Missouri

Last edit 7 months ago by LibrarianDiva
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Dear Colonel McCabe: Thank you for writing to m concerning Cornelius Ryan’s forthcoming book about D-Day. Since Mr.Ryan is now away,and has been away from Hew York for the major part of the lest month,he has asked me to write you ex- pressing our mutual thanks and our mutual hopes that you will continue in your willingness to help us* As your source of information may not have clearly indicated,this book will not be another strategic history of the invasion operation,but a story of the twenty-four hours of D-Day as mm lived them and remembered them. For such a story,we can only go to the men who were there,and if they are will ing,invade their memories. Thus Mr.Ryan hopes ultimately to interview many of the people who agree to help us,and so X should be grateful if you would let me know whether or not you would be available for interview at your pres- ent address(haring the period between now and the end of duly of this year. X should be grateful also if you would be willing to complete the enclosed record and return It to me at your earliest convenience. these questions in the hope that they may serve you as well as us,by help- ing to recall some long-forgotten incidents and indicate the sort of material which we era seeking. He need the answers to them as a basic file of vital statistics on each of our informants,and also,as a means of preparing for interviews fear Mr# Ryan,these sheets will, serve as a reminder of salient facts and references which he will wish to pick up later cm. s m\ ; We have assealed . A We know that the story of D-Day is the story of many men and many units# Mr.Ryan wants vary much to do justice to your outfit,and in order to do so he needs your help and the help of any others to whom you can direct us. We shall look forward very eagerly to your reply. Shank you so very much for any help that you can give us. -- Sincerely yours, i Frances Ward Research Deportment t / Colonel J. J.McCabe,USAF Hq[.CAXJF A.F.B. i

Last edit 7 months ago by LibrarianDiva
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