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CO , 16th RCT (1st Div.)
May 2, 1958
Dear General Taylor:
A book about D-Day, June 6, 1944, is being prepared by Cornelius Ryan for publication in The Reader's Digest and in book form on the 15th Anniversary of the Normandy invasion in the spring of 1959. It is being written with the complete cooperation and assistance of the Department of the Army and the Department of Defense. The book will not be another strategic history of the invasion day, but a story of the twenty-four hours of D-Day as people lived them and remembered them. For this, we can only go to the men who were there and, if they are willing, invade their memories. Everywhere, by written and spoken word, we are directed to the part which you played in the invasion, and we therefore hope very much that you will be interested in the project and be willing to help us.
Mr. Ryan is presently in Europe trying to get the project under way there. He will return very shortly, and sometime in the late spring and early summer of this year he will take a trip across the country inter- viewing people who have agreed to contribute to the book. He wants very much to talk with you, if you are willing and able to see him, sometime during May or June of this year. In the meantime, we earnestly request your good will and any information or suggestions which you are immedi- ately able to give us. Colonel Chesnutt at the Pentagon, who gave us your address, will be able to assure you that the project has the full endorsement of his office -- and indeed, we could scarcely undertake it without their invaluable assistance.
In Mr. Ryan's absence, I should be most grateful to know as soon as possible when and if you will be available for interview during the next two or three months. We shall look forward very eagerly to your reply. Thank you so very much, sir, for any assistance which you can give us.
Respectfully yours,
Frances Ward Research Department
Brigadier General George A. Taylor 3218 Bryant Street Palo Alto, California
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Palo Alto Calif 8 May 1958 Cal 7
Miss Frances Ward, The Readers Digest, New York, NY-
Dear Miss Ward-
Unfortunately your letter caught me in the midst of a change of address and was delayed in reaching me, for which I apologizeMy present address is Brig. Gen. George A. Taylor 20 Alannah Court Palo Alto, Calif. Tel.: Davenport 5-0123
The answer is that I would be very glad to cooperate in any manner that I was able. However I expect to be absent from Palo Alto from about 20 June to about 20 July- If that period of time were involved I would be glad
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to inform Mr. Ryan where and when I might be contacted.
I am familiar with many individuals and facts and objectives that might be of interest. [crossed out]Your[end crossed out] You may inform Mr. Cornelius Ryan that I am interested in the subject with which he is concerned, and hope that I may be able to be of some assistance. May I take this opportunity of thanking the Readers Digest for their timely interest-
Sincerely yours
George A Taylor
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June 9, 1958
Brigadier General George Taylor 20 Alannah Court Palo Alto California
Dear General Taylor:
Many thanks for your kind letter of May 8. As you can well imagine, we are knee-deep in replies from D-Day veterans, both in and out of the Army; and as a result, some delay has ensued. Forgive me, therefore, if I have not answered your letter sooner.
It will take quite a while to collate all the material and questionnaires which we have received from these men, and I hope that in a few weeks when I get my head above water, I can get in touch with you for an interview.
Yours sincerely,
Cornelius Ryan