Box 024, folder 03: James Percival deLacy





[inserted] good interview [end inserted] [inserted] Yes interview [end inserted] [inserted] Interview [end inserted] 49 Southlands Ave Orpington. Kent. Wed. 21st May 1958 Q8-23/5/58 23MAY1958 Dear Sir, Re "D" Day With reference to your Advert; in the Evening news of the 21st May 1958. I was a member of a British Beach Group, under Canadian command, for the 'D' day landings Yours faithfully J.P. deLacy

Last edit over 3 years ago by Magoo


[inserted] Juno 2 Friday 11:30 [end inserted] 19th June, 1958 J.P. de Lacy, Esq., 49, Southlands Avenue, Orpington, Kent.

Dear Mr. de Lacy,

Further to my letter of the 3rd June, Mr. Ryan is now in London and would very much like to meet you in connection with his book of D-Day.

I wonder, therefore, if you would very kindly telephone me at the above address so that we could arrange a mutually convenient meeting.

Yours sincerely,

(Joan Ogle Isaacs) Research Editor

Last edit over 3 years ago by Magoo
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