



Status: Complete


Were any of your friends killed or wounded either during the landing or
during the day? yes.

Do you remember any conversations you had with them before they became
casualties? One of the wounded was one of the Company
Cooks. (a favorite with all ranks) happy go
lucky individual, who about 10 mins before getting
wounded, came out with his favorite remark.
"Roll [inserted] on [end inserted] 1944, a wooden leg and a big row of medals.
I heard one officer say to another. I know some thing is
going to happen to me today, within the 1/2 hour he was killed

Were you wounded? yes. But at later Date in the Campaign

How were you wounded? I was wounded in Holland - Oct'44
and as this is a later date than the period at
present covered I will not give details.

Do you remember what it was like — that is, do you remember whether you
felt any pain or were you so surprised that you felt nothing?

Do you remember seeing or hearing anything that seems funny now, even though
it may not have seemed amusing at the time? Or anything unexpected or out-
of-place? 1/ One of the landing craft sprung a leak and
returned to England, on board were our mine clearing
party, and this job fell to other troops
2/ Most amuzing scene, was to see one of our
senior officer , go to a French family saying " JE
PARLE FRANCAIS" I speak French, I was in the last war.
His manner was so abrupt that he scare the French family
Do you recall any incident, sad or heroic, or simply memorable, that struck
you more than anything else?
1/ One Sgt went aboard a landing crfat which had been hit
and drove 3 lorris off, went back for the 4th and was killed
2/ a C.M.P chap stood up in a landing craft and was shot
3/ A Private of the Canadians, whose body I
found, evidently went down fighting. One could
easily reconstruct the scene. Besdie him were 4 dead
Germans, he had a bullet graze above his right eye
(Continue' on separate sheet)

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