[underline] THE ASSAUDT LANDINGS IN NORMANDY [end underline] Ack 3/6/58
What is your full name? James Percival deLacy
What is your present address? 49 Southlands Ave
Orpington , Kent.
Telephone number: -
What was your unit, division, corps? 8th (Irish) Bn
The Kings Regiment.
no 7 Beach Group. Att. 3rd Canadian Div
Where did you land and at what time? Courseulles approx 6.40AM
What was your rank and age on June 6, 1944? Sgt.
age 38.
Were you married at that time? no
What is your wife's name? -
Did you have any children at that time? -
When did you know that you were going to be part of the invasion?
1943. For the actual Landing on [crossed out] at [end crossed out] board L.S.T.
What was the trip like during the crossing of the Channel? Do you
remember, for example, any conversations you had or how you passed the time?
Rough. Usual Soldiers Conversation and leg-pulls -
played cards.
Were there any rumours aboard ship? (Some people remember hearing that
the Germans had poured gasoline on the water and planned to set it afire
when the troops came in.)
I did not hear of any rumours.
Did you by any chance keep a diary of what happened to you that day? no.
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