COX, Kenneth Wm. Canadian 3rd Div. Box 23, #57
Sgt Cox Pse complete & return to OR as soon as possible [?JBN?] OUT THOUSANDS OF MEN, ON LAND AND SEA AND IN THE AIR, PARTICIPATED IN THE INVASION OF NORMANDY BETWEEN MIDNIGHT JUNE 5, 1944 AND MIDNIGHT JUNE 6, 1944. IF YOU WERE ONE OF THEM, PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. What is your full name? Kenneth Willian COX What was your squadron, station, unit? (Army) RCASC At'd to 14th Cdn Field Ambulance, 7th Brigade, 3rd Division. Where did you arrive in Normandy, and at what time? Ship stood to off landing beach evening of 6 Jun - disembarked approx 1000 hrs [inserted] not in on D-day [end inserted] 7 Jun 44. What was your rank on June 6, 1944? Private (Driver) What was your age on June 6, 1944? 26 Were you married at that time? yes What is your wife's name? Dorothy Kathleen COX (nee Dunlop) Did you have any children at that time? no What do you do now? RCAF - Sgt ClkAdmSupr When did you know that you were going to be part of the invasion? Yes What was the trip like during the crossing of the Channel? Do you remember, for example, any conversations you had or how you passed the time? Nothing spectacular is remembered - except ship following ours in convoy was destroyed by enemy shell fire from near Calais. Passed time on trip playing cards, etc. What were the rumors on board the boat, ship or plane in which you made the crossing? (Some people remember scuttlebut to the effect that the Germans had poured gasoline on the water and planned to set it afire when the troops came in). I cannot recall any outstanding rumor.
Your name KW Cox Did you by any chance keep a diary of what happened to you that day? Include any impressions from it. No. Were any of your friends killed or wounded either during landing or during the day? Yes Do you remember any conversations you had with them before they became casualties?: No Were you wounded ? No Do you remember what it was like--that is, do you remember whether you felt any pain or were so surprised that you felt nothing? NA Do you remember seeing or hearing anything that seems funny now, even though it may not have seemed funny at the time? No Do you recall any incident, sad or heroic or simply memorable, which struck you more than anything else? The most memorable impression I retain of that day was of the calm, matter of fact, manner in which personnel prepared to disembark. Did you encounter any enemy aircraft or flak? Was your [inserted] ship/landing craft [end inserted] [crossed out] aircraft [end crossed out] damaged? Enemy aircraft were operating overhead night of 6 - 7 Jun - my vessel was not damaged.
Your name KW Cox In times of great crisis, people generally show either great ingenuity or self-reliance; others do incredibly stupid things. Do you remember any examples of either from D-Day? No Where were you at midnight on June 5, 1944 ? On board ship Where were you at midnight on June 6, 1944 ? Off the landing beaches Do you know of anybody else who landed within the 24 hours of D-Day, June 6, as infantry, glider or airborne troops, or who took part in the air and sea operations, whom we should write to? NO PLEASE LET US HAVE THIS QUESTIONNAIRE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, SO THAT WE CAN INCLUDE YOUR EXPERIENCES IN THE BOOK. WE HOPE THAT YOU WILL CONTINUE YOUR STORY ON SEPARATE SHEETS IF WE HAVE NOT LEFT SUFFICIENT ROOM. FULL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WILL BE GIVEN IN A CHAPTER CALLED "WHERE THEY ARE NOW;" YOUR NAME AND VOCATION OR OCCUPATION WILL BE LISTED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP. W.M. Lee Squadron Leader Director of Public Relations (Air) Air Force Headquarters, Ottawa, Ontario.