Box 023, folder 50: Colin N. Brebner





August 28, 1958

Dr. Colin Bremer Kirkland Lake Ontario, Canada

Dear Dr. Brebner:

A book about D-day, June 6, 1944, is being written by Comelius Ryan for publication in The Reader's Digest and in book for next spring on the fifteenth anniversary of the Normandy invasion. With the help of The Legionary and the war office at Ottawa we have been able to reach some of the Canadians who participated in the invasion--but not enough of them to do Justice to the Canadian assault effort. We have been told that you might agree to help us. I hope that you will. Mr. Ryan wants to tell the story of the Canadians who landed on D-day, for we have been directed to their weighty role in the invasion often and respectfully. However, we are at a disadvantage in approaching the Canadian story simply because of short time and long distance. In order to give our Canadian interviewers a sound basis for their work, I need the answers to the enclosed questions.

I hope that you will agree to contribute to the book and that you will return the enclosed record to me as soon as possible. Since our absolute deadline for research is the end of September, I should be grateful too if you would let me know if and where you could be interviewed during the coming month.

This will not be a strategic history, but a story of the mental, physical and emotional impact of D-day as men truly knew it. To tell this story we sorely need your help. We particularly look forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Frances Ward Research Department

Last edit over 3 years ago by Johnmeps


Sept [illegible] /58 The Readers Digest Pleasantville, NY, Attention Frances Ward, Research Dept. Dear [illegible] Ward : I shall be in Toronto for the month of September 1958. You can contact me, if desired , at Sunnybrooke Hospital. - the phone Hu 5-8651, Local 530 Sincerely Colin N Brebner MD

Last edit over 3 years ago by Johnmeps


April 15, 1959 Dr. Colin Nichol Brebner Kirkland Lake Ontario, Canada Dear Dr. Brebner: We have your questionnaire and interview in connection with a book on D-Day which is being prepared by Mr. Ryan for publication in the Reader's Digest in book form.

Due to the overwhelming response to this request, we have been deluged with material and have not had a chance to write to each and everyone as yet. However, we do want to thank you for being patient with us and to tell you how deeply grateful we are for your cooperation in giving us this information.

In order for us to edit your material for use in the book, it will be necessary for us to have your signature on the attached release, which we would thank you to return in the enclosed selfaddressed envelope.

Again many thanks for your help.


aw for Cornelius Ryan enc.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Johnmeps


I agree that Mr. Cornelius Ryan, his licensees and/or assigns, has all rights whatsoever in the interview and questionnaire from me regarding D-Day Colin N. Brebner MD. signed Apr. 17/59 date

Last edit over 3 years ago by Johnmeps


Can. Dr good Ok except for Nelson incidet pg. 2 . Brebner willing to sign release

Last edit over 3 years ago by Johnmeps
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