


Status: Complete

that he commands. He's not very outgoing, he protective.
He is the sort of person that is very bright, very indenpendent,
who concentrates on things that he's interested in and does
not buy slogans. He's really not very interactive (if that's
the word). He's the kind of guy with a very high IQ probably
or good neurotic capability (IQ may not be the word), who is
a very good, bight young man that has trouble with the sash
cords because he does not jump at buzzwords. He does not
have all the right things to say to get programmed. He
doesn't program well. But he is the guy that is the salt
of the earth. Self-sufficient, self-contained, self-disciplined,
the sort of person that takes care of himself and expects
others to do the same. And suspicious of those that don't.
This is the kind of the story of the early American pioneer.
The sort that used religion, almost always with his family,
he's concerned about his work, he's a perfectionist. They
were leaders until after the Civil War. Some of them are
always around, some of them are around now and some of them
in prominent positions. But basically their leadership passed
in the business and in the political world, but particularly
in the business world, to a new breed of cat that really
built America.

These were known by his term as the "jungle fighters".
Jungle fighters are people who are the Carnegies. People
who saw after the Civil War the opportunity to make a great
industrial power of America. They built railroads, they

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