Recent Activity by No1SeasFree

No1SeasFree added a note to Page 6 in Estate of Joseph Brinklow, 1864-1865 in The Papers of Solicitors J. M. Shugar and A. W. Vaisey, 1850-1914, saying “Too many rules, been fun.”Note Added
No1SeasFree added a note to Page 6 in Estate of Joseph Brinklow, 1864-1865 in The Papers of Solicitors J. M. Shugar and A. W. Vaisey, 1850-1914, saying “Joseph Brinklow, died at Aldbourg, 23 January, 1864. He left a widow, his wife, Martha Mary Brinklow, and 7 daughters, ( symbol = described forthwith) 1. - Emily, wife of Mr. Lee of Beofore ( 2 symbols, probably rank or title) Lancaster Deloware, 2. - Car”Note Added
No1SeasFree added a note to Page 5 in Estate of Joseph Brinklow, 1864-1865 in The Papers of Solicitors J. M. Shugar and A. W. Vaisey, 1850-1914, saying “All promises confidential, Form to be filled out, no further calls, the annual subscriptions, are known only to the Vicar, personally, to the Treasurer and Secretary of the Fund. A list of contributions to the objects mentioned in Part 2, (as seen) viz.; ”Note Added
No1SeasFree added a note to Page 4 in Estate of Joseph Brinklow, 1864-1865 in The Papers of Solicitors J. M. Shugar and A. W. Vaisey, 1850-1914, saying “7 copies made ( initials go perhaps) Received the day 1865, of May (Mary error) Martha Mary Brinklow administrive & Joseph Brinklow, (seventeen power ten) 17 times 10 shillings, are discharged, every seventh share, of Lire 122-14-6, being 2 thirds of the”Note Added
No1SeasFree added a note to Page 3 in Estate of Joseph Brinklow, 1864-1865 in The Papers of Solicitors J. M. Shugar and A. W. Vaisey, 1850-1914, saying “Robert Waller a minor of 14 years on 23rd January 1863 was borrowed apprentice to Josef Brinklow & 1st Mary 1863 - he was the son of Martha Mary ( ? ) Josef Brinklow and former husband for 6 years from 23 January then last, 3 ( ? ) 1st year, 4 ( ? ”Note Added