1.16 Somervell, Alexander and David G. Burnet, 14 June 1836

Manuscript written in the hand of Somervell, signed by both. Velasco, July 14, 1836. Proclamation revoking commissions issued to officers not then in actual service.


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Whereas several Officers were appointed in the Army and Navy of Texas by the late provisional Government and also by the Govern= ment who have not entered upon the discharge of their duties: And as some Commissions have been issued to persons to whom no corres= ponding comments could be given: And as the spirit of our free institutions and the financial interests of the Country equally forbid the exis= tence of any Sinecure Office:

Now Therefore I David G Burnet, President of the Republic of Texas, by and with the advice and consent of the Cabinet, do order and decree and it is hereby Ordered & decreed, that all such Commissions heretofor issued and all appointments heretofore made of persons not now in actual service or Com= mand (except such as have leave of absence) are from and after the publication of this proclamation, revoked, annulled and of no effect.

And it is further Ordered & decreed, that all officers now in Service or Command in the Army or Navy of Texas, do forthwith transmit to the proper department, copies of their Commissions accompanied with a state ment of the service in which they are engaged in order that a full and complete list may be filed in the respective offices

Done at Velasco this 14th day of July A.D. 1836

A Somervell David G Burnet Sec. of War [His Scroll] [His Scroll]

Last edit almost 10 years ago by rscottpatrick
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Presidents Proclamation About Officers- not on duty

Last edit over 10 years ago by rscottpatrick
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