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easily tamed, but it is said that when irritated
They sometimes preform the remarbible
feat of spurting a stream of blood from the
eyes, toward the intruder for a distance
of several inches. There is one very interesting
thing about [am] horntoads, they possess on the
forehead a [pinmial] eye.

There is but one poisonous lizard known
and that is the gilia monsters, found in
Arizona, New Mexico, and Mexico in the hot
desert regions

The reptilia are very suseptible to cold
and when the temperature lowers they rapidly
grow and less and less active. When winter comes
on they seck protected spots [and] either alone or
in groups, together they hibernate. In this condition
the various activities of the body are at a very
low [ebb]. The blood barely circulates, breathing
is barely suseptible, and stiff and insensible to
the world about them they remain until
the warmth again stirs them to their forms
activity. At such times no food is token, but
owing to their low in weight it is probable
that a slow consumption of the supplies
the small amount of [nemicary] energy. When
the turtles hibernate they go far down into the

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