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Insecto are divided into numerous orders the
[chif] among which are the following, -
1. [...](straigh winged)[...]

This order includes grasshoppers, [locusts,
, crickets etc. The crickets and [katychich]
are nocternal, the other are [chifly diernal].
The insects that are call grasshoppers are [locusts].
The grasshoppers are of economic value they are
now sometimes collected and dried for [bid] feed.
In older times certain nations used them for
food; they were baked, stued, fried in butter and
frequently ground and [mired] with flour with
which to make bread.

They have been [at times] very thick [east] of the
Rocky Mountains; [at times] so thick as to [desastate]
a field of grain in a short while. Sometimes they have
been so thick as to obliterate the sun while flying
to another field.
Most of the [...] lay eggs in the ground, the
hole being made by a four pointed affair on the
end of the abdomane of the female.
2.[...] (Nerve Wings) [...]
These are called nerve winged insects, because
their wings appear to be filled with nerves, which
are in reality air tubes. This order contains the
dragon[fhis]. They inhabit areas containing ponds

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