is found in the great lakes, the Mississippi\
and its tributaries. The Sturgeon is the
largest fish found in fresh waters
containing a length of 10-12 ft; and a weight of 500 lbs. Their food consists in
small plants and animals which they
suck in thru their tube like mouth
Another form of ganoid is the garfish which inhabits the larger lakes
and rivers thru out east and the
Miss valley. They reach a length of 10 ft
they are covered with an [armour?] of
heavy square scales and the upper joint
is elongated to form a sort of beak provided
with sharp teeth.
A peculiar thing is seen in the cut
fishes which are among the lowest of the
bonny fish, + [and] in these fishes there is a
connection between the air bladder
and the ear so that the air bladder
becomes a sounding organ in the
function of hearing. They are provided
also with long about the mouth
with which they pick their way on the
bottom of a stream or pond.
mall are known horned
pout or . In these the and
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