


Status: Complete

A record of the most remarkable events
kept by Obed Macy. No. 6
17th12m [17 DECEMBER]
A slight fall of snow this morning, followed
by some rain, with wind southerly, which afterward
changed to the westerd, then to NW. and came over
clear and very pleassent for the season.
Ship Atlantick [ATLANTIC] ^ Thoms [THOMAS] Russell arrived at the Wharf in safety
with 1702 barrels of Spm. [SPERM] Oil. to P&B Gardner. David Jones
and James Athearn.
1st1m1839 [1 JANUARY 1839]
Nothing remarkable has occurred for
some time back. The Children as usual on the
commencement of the year, are industriously employed
among their their friends and acquaintance, expresing
their wishes, in order to recieve their tokens of respect
10st1m [10 JANUARY]
The weather in generally pretty moderate for
th's season of the year. Some flights of snow
but in no instance, the depth has not exceded
two inches. We have very little rain for three
months back, And the coldest weather
has not exceeded 15 above Zero. The harbor
has been lightly covered with Ice 2 or 3 times
but not so as to prevent the Steamboat from passing
through it. On the whole the winter thus far
has been quite moderate.
Agreeably to the common practice at this
time in the year, when very little business
is doing out of doors. Many people employ
themselves in attending different societies.
Some to promote right education in Schools,
Others to encourge the Abolition of Slavery,
and meetings on various other subjects
which on the whole occupies nearly the whole
of the evening.

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The ship is Atlantick [ATLANTIC] and above the line is Thos. [THOMAS] Russell, that is, the captain. Obed often squashes his letters up so a word is barely decipherable, especially with names. There is a good aid for ships and captains here https://whalesite.org/anthology/1876_Catalogue.htm